Hurricane missed us, i had a great dinner last night with my wife and son, job is going well (we had our best sales month ever last month), i have so much good stuff going on this weekend i may have to schedule some down time.

  1. >Hurricane missed us

    Why do you stay? Why not move before the next weather system does not miss your location?

  2. – Grateful that I can afford an engagement ring and will be purchasing in a few weeks.
    – Grateful to have men in my life to fill in the gaps that lacked in my upbringing. Alcoholic parents are a challenge.
    – Grateful for a relatively low stress, decent paying, work from home job that allows me to provide for myself and my partner.
    – Grateful to have a dog in my life. I should have adopted him years ago. So much joy.
    – Grateful that winter is coming. Feels like summers are getting longer and hotter and I am happy to see this one go.

  3. After hearing about Thailand… that my kids haven’t been shot.

    This might not be the kind of positive you’re looking for.

  4. That somehow, I can still put food on the table, gas in the car, pay the bills, and own my own place in spite of the depressing economy. And also, for at least for not being sick.

  5. /u/PM_ME_UR_INSIGHTS just wanted you say you are an incredible mod and this is such a great community. The moderation is just perfect and really grateful for all that you do!!

  6. Sleeping! I just got a machine for sleep apnea – and going to get that good deep sleep

  7. There should be a weekly gratitude thread in this sub, maybe on a Sunday or Friday to begin or end the week.

    -Grateful to have made significant progress in the last year after a divorce and being out of work.
    -Grateful to have taken the responsibility for myself and recognize ain’t no one coming to save me.
    -Grateful to have my close circle of friends
    -Grateful for the opportunity to exercise my passion and creativity through different endeavors
    -Grateful for my two healthy dogs
    -Grateful for my health both physical and mental
    -Grateful for this amazing city I live in
    -Grateful to be grateful for all of these things and so much more.

    Too often I’ve fallen into the negative mental downward spiral and it’s taken a ton of work to recognize that view of life isn’t real. Are there trials and tribulations? Of course but those instances do not outweigh the beauty and joy that can be found in life.

    Keep growing and learning, gents & have a great rest of the week and weekend.

  8. I suggest reading Toxic Positivity by Whitney Goodman. If you are going through bad shit like a hurricane, which likely affected your community and neighboring communities (if not you directly) it’s OK to be with your negative emotions. Trying to force positivity during bad times is ultimately extremely unhealthy.

  9. I just had some chocolate. Drank some water. And I’m catching up with an old friend.

    We’ve drifted apart over the years, but it’s always nice to talk with her.

  10. Thanks for posting this.

    I’m grateful that I went ahead and had a gum graft done. It’s about 24hrs after surgery and it’s rough, but I’m so happy im prioritizing my health and taking the time. I got the referral in February and had to join a long wait list.

    I’m grateful for having time to myself to heal and recover. Been playing lots of video games and hanging on the couch watching Netflix. It reminds me of being sick from school and watching Disney movies as a kid. Simpler times, haha.

  11. My wife. My kids. Beautiful October weather. Health. Modern medicine. My faith. Power tools. An older mini van. The Internet. Mountains to climb. Robotic process automation. My parents. YouTube tutorials for DIY house projects. Good neighbors. Teachers. Nurses. Doctors. Respiratory therapists. Pharmacists. Camping. Enchiladas. Podcasts. A comfortable enough house. Photography. Classified ads. Pizza. A toddler who wants me to hold him. Network attached storage with Raid 1 configuration. Throwing a frisbee with my kid last night. The discount shelf at the grocery store. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Gardening. Construction workers. Continuous glucose monitor. Bicycles.

  12. My wife is working in Minneapolis for 3 months, I finished up a job in Los Angeles (our current home)last month. Bc I’m not currently working (which is a good thing) i was able to go to Boston last week and hang with my parents and brothers and nieces and nephews. We spent several days at the local county fair that my family is heavily involved with. I hadn’t been there in 15 years. Yesterday I flew to Minneapolis and got to see my wife for the first time in 6 weeks.

  13. Can’t remember where I heard it, but I remember being told it’s a good habit to think of three things you’re grateful for every day, preferably in the morning. Supposedly trains your brain to look for and focus on positive things more often.

  14. I’m grateful for my wife of almost 30 years, and that our first grandchild will be here in April!

  15. I have a brisket and a few cans of Spam I’ll be smoking this weekend. The wife and kids will be away (for a good thing) and I’ll have the time to relax and pursue my hobby. And enjoy a good bourbon next to the fire.

    EDIT: BTW, thanks for posting. Writing that out has been a bright spot in my day.

  16. Got vertical this morning

    The little one is happy and healthy

    Started my dream job yesterday

    Really finding myself again post-breakup

    Got a roof over my head, car in the drive, and food on the table

    Shit ain’t ever as bad as I make it out to be

    Edit: formatting

  17. For the first time in 10 years my entire college crew is getting together for a non-wedding weekend. It’s happening in my city and I was the organizer who made it happen.

    Just excited to see everyone and, most importantly, have my daughter meet so many of the people who made me who I am today all at once.

    Also excited to meet many of the significant others who’ve joined our family since the pandemic started.

  18. I got a raise bigger than I was expecting last week.

    My dog is healthy and happy.

    My toddler is healthy, happy, and learning and growing.

    My wife is getting her license today and enjoys her job she just went back to.

    And we can still afford our home with some money left over.

    I’m glad we live a pretty simple life and our careers can only grow from here, despite rising costs of everything. We’re going to be house poor for a while but I’m happy that we’ve never lived luxurious lifestyles, we just like going for walks, watching movies together, and cooking nice meals from affordable groceries. And our hobbies don’t cost anything. Never been big on toys, vacations, or doing the see and be seen going out lifestyle thank god.

  19. Got a job, got a wife, got a dog and two cats. House is in good shape, cars are paid off. I had a burst appendix around this time last year, but this year I’m healthy (within reason) and feeling good. I’m grateful every morning that I have a solid bowel movement, because for about three weeks last year I did not. I’m grateful for indoor plumbing and HVAC. I’m grateful for my church community and the purpose it has given me in life. Most of all, I’m grateful to be of (mostly) sound mind.

  20. One more day of work then off for five days with my Wife and Daughter. Sunday, my Daughter turns 3. Tuesday, my Wife gets one year older as well. It’s an unbelievable life I was lucky enough to embrace.

  21. I am grateful for my partner in crime dog that lived to be 12 years old. I was 20 when I got her as a puppy and she was with me the whole time through my “roaring” twenties. She crossed rainbow bridge a few days ago. I can’t imagine what my life would have been like without her. Not married and no kids, she was the best thing to ever happen to me and I am forever thankful for that.

    I needed her more than she needed me. I hope she knows that. I’ll miss you forever my sweet pup, may you no longer suffer and rest in paradise.

  22. I am in perfect health, my daughter is getting on well with her friends, and there’s loads of new stuff coming up in WoW as if I wasn’t enjoying it immensely already.

  23. My mother-in-law (with dementia) has finally moved out of our house and into an assisted living facility. It’s been tremendously hard on us, particularly my wife, and we have to look after ourselves.

  24. Life, health , my freedom but above all love from my family and friends. I’m so lucky. Not rich by any means but really happy.

  25. – grateful to be able to afford a house and have a roof over my head.
    – grateful for having a full time paying job that I actually enjoy.
    – my dad has had brain cancer since 2016 and is still alive and kicking. His 70th birthday is Saturday!
    – grateful to be able to find a wife that I can connect with and want to have children with.
    – grateful for Fall in Minneapolis, easily my fav season.
    – grateful to be healthy and host christmas at my house and meet my wife’s brazilian family for thr first time!

  26. We’re getting a babysitter tomorrow and getting dinner with friends. It’s been too long.

  27. Going through a rough breakup – 4 years that just ended in early september, kind of unexpectedly. it’s been rough, i miss her, miss the cats.

    but i am grateful for my friends, they have been so supportive. i am grateful for the incredible times we had, they fill my heart with a painful happiness. i am grateful that work has been very understanding, gave me time to myself when i needed it, and i’m grateful that it’s stable enough that i can afford our entire rent alone (for now). and of course grateful for my health.

  28. Finally moved into my new house, doesn’t matter that I’m sleeping on the floor, after the drama of the past year it’s nice to be able to called somewhere home and mine! Win!

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