I was on Twitter and saw a post that said the following:

“A woman is constantly on the lookout to trade up. She can’t help but follow her hypergamous nature and crave to capture the highest value man that she can. A woman will always go for the best option available to her.”

If this is the case then what’s the point in getting married or having a long term relationship?

  1. Yes, all women are unable to control their urges and **will** leave you for someone else, guaranteed. Trust me, I’d know. I am a man after all; i know all about how women work

  2. Not even remotely true, who ever posted that is probably looking to blame women for their shitty attitude

  3. It’s not true

    Most people (either gender) can have a temptation like this. See someone else and wonder what could have been, if you think they’re better looking/younger/richer/whatever-er than the one you’re with.

    Some people give in to the temptation and some don’t. I don’t see any evidence that either gender is more likely to do so. And certainly not the case that all women do.

  4. It may be true to some degree, but women aren’t robots. They all think for themselves and can do literally anything else if they want. Men are the same way. Most men aren’t looking at porn of unattractive women, they are looking at the top 5% of attractive females, or top 10% of freaky females who will do the things they fantasize about.

    There are plenty of good reasons to get married, but you have to vet the fuck out of your partner and work on that relationship every day.

  5. Sounds like a bitter man trying to spread his misery. Sounds like social media.

  6. I feel like these are always written about high maintenance women and a generalization. There are tons of women who are cool with being treated well, working and enjoying a simple life.

  7. This post brought to you by 14 year olds, 20 somethings who have never dated, and recent divorcees. It’s just people coping with the fact they haven’t had a healthy relationship and want it to be natures fault and not their own.

  8. 1. Why are you taking advice from Twitter
    2. don’t generalize
    3. Even if that were 100% true, could you really blame them? Are you doing anything different from them? I mean… that is kind of the point — to give your genes the best chance of moving on before you die

  9. Based on the losers I see some women accept, I would say the statement isn’t true at all.

  10. It’s true, but its also a vast generalization that doesn’t take into account other very important factors

  11. Yea this isn’t true at all. My girl could have a better looking and/or more successful dude then me if she wanted it. It wouldn’t be hard. But I make her happier then either of those things would so she’s still with me.

    Sure some females are like this, but then they are doing you a benefit when they go trade up, as that’s not the kind of woman you want to settle down with. And those woman will never be happy because there’s always a better guy out there then what they have.

  12. I mean… im not a woman, but from my experience. I would say this is partially true. given the fact, that most women are looking for security in their relationship and a man that can provide is likely high value in their eyes. I will disagree that they are always looking tho. Woman can be pretty loyal to their men, but they like ambition in men.

  13. I think most women who are like this are the “premium” women who have an endless stream of men trying to fuck them. A GIANT portion of women feel like they’re completely in the shadows and nobody notices them. They see so many hot girls and feel completely shit I’d argue way more then when us guys see jacked chads. A lot of women would DIVE at a chance to date a “normal” guy. Its just most normal guys are chasing these “premium girls” sounds a bit shit but men rarely will just date an average or ugly chick who is willing to offer everything. I got a friend who is not a very good looking guy and he literally complained about being single for SO long and Ive seen him on tinder just dodging every single average chick only trying to match with “hot ones” it was so sad.

  14. Because of the ubiquity of dating apps, and as-close-to-infinite-as-makes-no-difference amount of choices, relationships and the currency – sex – has become commodified. In an economic sense, a commodity is something with low differentiation, high replacement value, and the sellers are what’s called ‘price takers.’ They sell at whatever price the market decides. See: corn, or wheat or oil. The price for wheat is set by the market, so the only way Farmer A gets more money than Farmer B is by growing more wheat.

    A marketplace, by contrast, is where people with a demand for a product meet people selling that product. The one selling the product is looking for the highest price they can get, given their competition, and the one buying the product is looking to pay the lowest they can and still get the product.

    Dating apps are a sexual equivalent of that marketplace. A sexual marketplace, if you will. Since gender ratios on dating apps skew wildly towards men, women are the buyers in this scenario, and men are the sellers. Women are looking to ‘buy’ (swipe) a partner, and they trade on the hint of sex via their appearance, to attract the highest calibre man they can. Men, by contrast, are not selling themselves as the product. Because the market is saturated with that product, there’s no real differentiation between them. So what they *can* sell is the lifestyle their resources provide them. What exciting hobbies, or fancy vacations, or shiny stuff can they advertise, that will trigger an emotional response in the woman and make her go, “He looks like he has an exciting life. *I* want to do that stuff!” and make her swipe. The woman is looking to get the most bang for her buck – the highest quality man – for the lowest cost – what she has to give up to get him, and men are looking for the best-looking woman he can get, for the lowest he has to spend to keep and get her.

    When you’re spoiled for choice, you have all the power. And why should a woman settle for a ‘good enough’ when, with a few swipes, she can find an ‘even better’?

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