umm yea so last week i went on a date with this guy that i met on dating app, everything was good and he’s nice but as we finishes dinner we’re talking and he said he never had seggs with anyone before, and asks if he can kiss on my cheek before he left and i said ok, the whole this is very awkward. It’s been 2 days since then and now i feel like he’s really not what i’m looking for💀 he asks if we can go on another date this week and i honestly i don’t want to BUT i don’t know how to kindly reject him. y’all help me pls i’m not good at rejecting ppl 🥲🥲

  1. Wait. If he didn’t kiss you or declare his V card — would you have gone out with him again?

  2. “I really appreciate you asking me on dates, I’m flattered, but I feel like we are too different. I wish you luck and hope you will find the right one for you” Or something like that

  3. You didn’t like that he asked to kiss you on the cheek? Would’ve it been better if he did it without asking?

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