Okay this is a little random as this happened 2 years ago, but I’ve been thinking about it lately. So in August 2020 I moved to South Korea for a semester and after a few weeks of being there, I started to notice a really bad smell from my dick and also discharge. I didn’t have sex however and the last time I did was like 1,5 months prior and we used a condom. I didn’t know what it was but I figured it couldn’t be an STD so I didn’t do anything about it and hoped it would go away soon. Eventually I had this smell for weeks before it finally went. The smell was terrible and still grosses me out. I probably would have gone to a doctor if I was in my home country but I was quite clueless there and didn’t speak the language. Thinking about what may have caused this is that I went to public restrooms sometime and remember my dick being quite long, touching the insides of the toilet on at least two occasions. I had to use the restroom more careful after that.

What do you think it could have been? And do these STIs completely solve itself after a while or do you think I still have something I carry? Ofcourse I don’t smell or have discharge anymore.

  1. I used to work with a guy that was pretty open about fuckin around with hookers. Every morning he would take a shit, never washed his hands. The toilets were small so your dick would sit on the seat or hang into the toilet. I think its very possible to get an std/sti like this. If u can get herpes from a handshake u can catch shit from a toilet

  2. This is why the only toilet seat you should trust is yours.

    It’s possible to catch an STI from public washrooms. You need to see a gyna and get a full panel test just to be sure. Most of them are curable albeit difficult to treat.

  3. Not all dick-related issues are STIs. Some are other kinds of infections.

    Did you get an STI from a toilet? Probably not. There’s a House MD clip about this which sums it up as “there’d have to be someone between you and the toilet seat for you to get an STI.” And yeah medical tv isn’t a reliable source but the point was made and most everything I have found supports it.

    You may have had some other kind if infection, like a yeast infection or something else, which could come from masturbating vigorously or with improper lube, or just irritating the skin. You could have had a UTI from swimming in a lake, or a ton of other things.

    It could have even been an STI you already had that was finally showing symptoms.

    If you’re concerned, you should go get screened for STIs at a local clinic. You can talk with a doctor and let them know what you experienced and they can give you better advice than the internet.

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