Hi I’m 24(f) in a relationship with 24(m) since 6 years. it started on Facebook,we flirted with each other and he became my close friend within few months when he asked me out i said yes . We’ve never met in those 6 years we were on and off relationship mostly throughout. Since 1 year we have been going steady and actually met each other he seems like a good guy and we have great number of differences like he’s vegan whereas I’m not , he is very logical ish person where as I’m very emotional one .When i started this i knew in my heart this was only for time period how can I be with stranger whom i never met and secretly believes that we were gonna part ways . He was never a person who was interested in marriage or settling down person he’s more kinda hippie guy to begin with now he is buliding a future or planning us together where I’m still wondering if he’s the one ? He is actually my first boyfriend too .

  1. We met only handful times i made him meet my friends once. We had staycation for few days the sex was fine ,

  2. I mean, you can appreciate each other in some ways without necessarily comitting or being in love. What are your thoughts on that?

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