How do you men react after a fight w your partner? Do you want space and radio silence or do you want your partner to try and woo you and give you attention?

  1. Any attempt of “wooing me” after a fight she caused is gaslighting and attempted manipulation

  2. Most of these fights are her problems. She needs to leave me alone and make it up.

  3. i would like a sincere apology without attitudes or any theatrics. that’s all I’m asking.

  4. Me personally whenever me and my partner have a disagreement or argument I like to talk about it and actually resolve the issue

  5. My wife and I don’t fight. We bring up problems and discuss them and work as a team to resolve the issue.

  6. Space and to be left alone. I want to process everything and go over it thoroughly and form my point of view the best I can to see if my so can relate and understand why whatever it is upset me. Keeps me from saying things in the heat of the moment that I may not actually mean and can cause even more problems. Once we’re both calm, then we can revisit it and discuss it with one another instead of arguing. I believe she should do the same. That way we can try to come to a solution that maybe both of us are comfortable with.

  7. If she’s in the wrong, I want her to apologise and admit it.

    If I’m in the wrong, just don’t be petty when I apologise.

    We’re adults a simple apology and admittance of wrong doing should be enough so we can move forward.

  8. I only rarely ever get mad at any partner I have had…. So I’m not entirely sure. I would probably want space just becauase anything that would keep me mad at her would have to be pretty damn major and she is probably actively making it worse. Otherwise… I tend not to get or stay mad.

  9. ITT: Immature narcissists who can’t admit they were wrong.

    OP, you should both be able to apologize pretty quick to one another.

  10. A sincere apology.


    Looking at the post and your comments I think you’re confused on what wooing is.

  11. >do you want your partner to try and woo you

    Sure, that’s always nice.

    But I also need an apology, to be heard, and *action* to prevent a repeat argument.

    Don’t worry, I expect the same from myself.

  12. If we’re still in the middle of the disagreement, I need space. If we’ve resolved the fight, then let’s move on with our lives like normal. I’m a forgive and forget kind of guy. I don’t hold grudges.

  13. Depending on how the fight went, I’ll enact a cooling off period before we can discuss the issue rationally. I don’t want to be wooed and I don’t need attention, I need peace in the house and a partner that wants the same so we can quickly resolve it and return to a good life. Thankfully, she’s on the same page and it makes things so much better.

  14. I don’t think there’s a single answer to that.

    I prefer to resolve things quickly and not let them fester. Regardless of whose fault it is, you can decide to be the one that starts the reconciliation process. For me, that is usually finding my part in the conflict and owning up to it. With any luck, that gives her a face-saving way to own up to her part. From there I shut up as much as possible and just listen. I think either partner can take this approach.

  15. It depends on what you mean by a “fight”. If we actually got into an argument, give me space. I’m upset/angry. I don’t want you around me until I have cooled off. I’m irritable and snappish, it’s not a good emotional state for reconciliation. If we had a disagreement and I wasn’t invested enough to argue about it, feel free to woo me. I’m probably annoyed with you, but not angry.

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