For example, your SO is a dentist and she cleans your teeth.

  1. My wife is a hairstylist and we have her salon in the house. So yes, I get my haircuts from her.

  2. Gf works at a high price window company. Got all new windows on my house for half price.

    Fuckin awesome.

  3. My ex-wife was a graphic designer, and it felt… great. That’s the thing I miss about her most. Everything from our travel iternaries to my website for my songwriting group looked fantastic.

  4. funny you say that, because my wife IS a dentist and she does all of my dental work. it’s fine. she’s an excellent dentist. a true artist!

    ps, usually hygienists do cleanings, not dentists.

  5. My gf is studying to be a lawyer but idk if I can even use her services for legal conflict of interest? Lemme ask

  6. My wife worked on those Binax Now COVID tests out there.

    Feels good. Super proud of her efforts.

  7. Girlfriend is a nurse so any time I have to deal with a nurse its been for something painful. Going to go with it doesn’t feel like a good time

  8. My ex was a physical therapist and massage therapist, it was amazing. I was a competitive athlete always getting injured and she worked on me regularly. It was pretty great.

  9. I’ve dated a few hair stylists, it was great. My hair never looked better, and it usually extended to my overall “style & look” as well.

  10. My wife is a bookkeeper. My taxes are in pristine order and if I get curious about how much I’ve spent on motorcycle parts or groceries or toilet paper she can provide that information almost instantly. I do not worry an iota about money.

  11. Technically not the target sorry

    But I’m a doctor and my husband is extremely accident prone and I always take care of him. He loves it

  12. previous S/O was a programmer and i’m not that great with computers. she helped me with resumes, simple computer things, and anything else with tech 😂

  13. My wife is a hair stylist and she has been cutting my hair exclusively for the last 7 years, and began 2 months into us dating.

    She wants me to look my best, naturally, and she’s willing to facilitate that.

  14. My wife works at the Zoo, we both have a free pass to go anytime we like to go. Makes boring days better by hanging at the Zoo for an hour or 2.

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