So there’s this cute girl that goes to the gym around the same time I go that keeps looking at me. I have caught her multiple times through the mirror. Whenever I look at her randomly she immediately looks away so I don’t even get the chance of smiling and showing her that I’m at least friendly. I go to the gym alone and just have my headphones in the whole time and I am battling the idea of approaching her since I know the gym is probably the worst place to approach someone and you run the risk of coming off as creepy. I once approached a girl after her workout to try to talk to her and she told me she had a boyfriend and changed gyms so it made me feel bad that I made her that uncomfortable. Any advice?

  1. The key to approaching women is to approach the woman that’s been looking at you. So go shoot your shot.

  2. There was a girl in here the other day posting about why the guy she keeps giving looks at in the gym won’t approach her.

  3. My guy. Literally happened to me this past week. Shoot. Miss all the shots you don’t take

  4. Where is that girl that posted about the guy she stalked on IG from her gym because neither party could make a move? Are you him? I’m suspicious

  5. Hey man – I’m laying down to my now gf of three years whom I met at the gym. It’s all about approach. “I wanted to say thanks for always being here when I’m here, I always do an extra couple sets while you are around” laugh it off, introduce yourself. If she isn’t interested you will know. If that’s the case, leave her alone, and continue getting the gains!

  6. Approach her when she’s packing up to leave. Or, try and time when she’ll be in the parking lot heading into the gym. It sounds creepy, and maybe the parking lot situation may raise some red flags naturally but it’s better than trying to talk to her when she’s doing things that she’s there for: exercising. But if you can catch her any moment before she’s getting to work, then I bet she’ll be more willing to hear you out or listen to you instead of zoning you out and then rejecting you when she has a chance to talk.

    Heck. Maybe when she’s almost done exercising, you can start trying to spot her. If you see her struggling to finish a set or a rep assist her by spotting and even motivation “Keep going you got this!”. Then spark up conversation after you’ve done this a few days and once you both have become friendly, then maybe you can start asking if she ate anything that day or even just.. food in general, each other’s diet. Get to know her, to some extent. And I bet you one day she’ll mention she didn’t eat anything that day but still came to the gym anyways. That is when you could catch a chance for when it’s almost time for her to go home to maybe offer to order a drink or food for her (smoothie or small snack) for when she may get hungry on the ride home. Maybe if there are vending machines, you can slip her something from that or just door dash. For me, as a bisexual woman, I would totally do this^ if I was trying to ask for a lady’s number while at the gym. Yes, I know it’s meticulously thought out but I just know women really well and honestly, I know what things come off as creepy and what doesnt. I also know that if you have any intentions of having a lasting relationship with any woman they would like seeing your actions showing your intentions. It’s obvious to women who means business and who is wanting to get it on for a one nighter, and a lot of it is how the other person acts towards them or how they are treated. Being there to ensure her safety (spotting her when you don’t know her as well) and making sure that she’s taking care of herself (insuring she ate after you become friendly with one another) will not be creepy unless you do it wrong and will show that you don’t only think of sex when you talk with her, that you think of _her_ as a person.

    And- I mean, it’s pretty ballsy to try and hit on any woman while at the gym to begin with but if I was truly interested in getting to know her? Yes. I would do this.

    Note: I would offer to get her a drink in replacement of heading out the gym with her to grab a drink, especially since it’s the gym and most people want to just go home and relax afterwards. So the idea of saying “yes” to an offer to grab drinks will be an obvious “no”. Plus, you are warming her up to the idea of sometime actually leaving the gym with you and getting a drink. Maybe she’ll like you enough that she’d think to herself while heading home, “Man. I wish he had asked me to actually go with him this time”.

  7. Next time you catch her staring walk up to her and call it out loudly.


    Then take a pen and write your number on the back of her hand. And just go back to doing your thing.

    *If you don’t have a pet, you can borrow one from the register.

  8. i don’t know how your approach is, but if someone leaves the gym just because you tried to have a conversation with that person, that person needs to grow-up, take a compliment, move on and just courteously wave hi next time you see each other. Having a BF or GF doesn’t mean you should be excluded from all human interaction.

    But my 2cents will be; just make your move again bro, don’t let a bad situation dictate they way you communicate and interact with others humans even if it is from the other sex. You are allowed to be curious, get attracted and inquire about that person, just don’t be pushy.

  9. Gym and work approaches are brutal…. Woman take note and make it super easy if you’re interested but at the gym or work… Men are at such a massive disadvantage in these environments imho.

  10. Dude. Log off, take your face out of your phone and talk to her. It’s not hard to not be creepy. Just say “hey I’ve seen you coming here a bunch so I wanted to introduce myself” and start the conversation from there.

  11. Honestly, a joke about how your not just a slab of meat to stare at might be a funny way to break the ice. It might really tank, but with some girls it would be really funny. Proceed with caution

  12. Take your head phones off when she is around, see if she gets friendlier or tries to make eye contact with you. If she doesn’t, move on, you have your answer.

    She could be staring for a lot of reasons. You have also creeped one woman out already at this gym, word may have gotten around. Women talk and warn each other, that could be why she is staring.

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