Guys, how often are you shirtless at home or in public?

  1. Never in public and rarely at home(if someone’s there). Thanks to self esteem issues.

  2. I hop in the shower and get butt naked as soon as I get home

    I stopped wearing clothes around the house the first time I beat the fuck out some pussy

  3. Public only when riding my bike during a heatwave

    At home I often spend my time naked

  4. At home: often in the summertime and spring, almost never in the fall/winter unless it’s just walking from the shower back to my bedroom

    In public: only when situationally-appropriate, like going to the beach

  5. At home, sometimes if it’s hot or mainly at night but in public never and the closest I’ll go is with a muscle shirt or a tank top.

  6. In public — never. Unless I’m at the beach or pool.

    At home — I sleep in underwear and shorts but always shirtless. Only my wife and kids ever see me without a shirt at home.

  7. Home, pretty much anytime I need to do the chores. I run hot, so it’s an easy way to keep me cool. In public? Really only at a pool or the beach.

  8. At home — most of the time unless we have guests over

    In public — at the beach or when running/playing sports with mates

  9. “This might be a good time to take my shirt off..”

    -Matt Damon impersonating Matthew McConaughey

  10. Public, about 2 hours total in the last 20 years. My wife and I went on a long hike along a nature park in an estuary on the coast, and it was very hot out. That’s it.

    At home, I do it often. Washing the cars, doing heavy yardwork, etc.

  11. Probably half the time. If I’m hot I take my shirt off.. except I’m at the office so can’t rn. 😑

  12. At home I’m shirtless when I’m showering or sleeping. I haven’t been shirtless in public in a quarter of a century.

  13. Never in public unless I’m at a beach. At home, it depends. I think most of the time, I do have a shirt on.

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