Been in a weird spot lately. Want to check in with everyone who may not have a comfortable outlet to talk about these things.

  1. It’s been a little better recently. Maybe the diet I’m on is helping, or maybe it’s meditation/exercise, or all three

  2. i’m unhappy that summer is over again. it always passes way too quickly, sigh.

    fall would be fine, except winter always follows it -_-

  3. It’s okay but not well.

    Like I’m fine, but that dread of being lonely and boy being enough just sets in

  4. Thanks for checking in. I am in a strange spot. Family has lied to me about some pretty strange things my whole life. My earliest memories involve some sort of timeline concerning the end of the world. I actually had it pasted to my door, with the end of said timeline being “Jesus’ return.”

    The timeline was obviously bullshit. But I was raised to believe that the end was nigh nigh. No such luck. Once I reached the fourth grade, I was told by my father, the same one who raised me to believe that bullshit about the end of the world, that he was actually a federal agent. He made me swear not to tell my mother, because if I did she would surely be too concerned.

    Spent most of my life struggling with both of the bullshit points above, and just received a confession, now in my late twenties, that he, indeed, was not, never was, a federal agent. He wanted me to respect him.

    Fuck me. I’m fucking livid. Also I think he is gay, for reasons I won’t get into now.

    So kids, stay away from whatever the fuck that is.

  5. Going from ‘I’m so fucking amazing’ to ‘I’m a fucking nobody’ within every day

  6. Could be much better…somedays i just wanna give up. don’t know what else to do besides everything ive tried to make things better.

  7. Somewhere between pretty alright and so bad I can’t even tell how bad, and I have no clue which

  8. At the moment woeful. I’ve felt like my skin is on fire for a week.. every little thing makes me want to explode in rage or cry and I don’t know whats causing it.

  9. The air force recruitment lot are looking over my navy medical records today. There should be nothing problematic in there, as I pretty much never interacted with the medics. I’m still so nervous I want to puke.

    Not really a mental health thing, but I’m not fucking happy.

  10. I blur it out with weed. But pretty awesome, actually. When my wife isn’t around, that is.

  11. The grind of working at home and being a parent to 2 lively kids is pretty brutal

  12. ive poured my heart and soul into making my dream come true and it hasnt happened and im now at 51 looking at going to work in a warehouse for $10 an hour.

    Times are rough 🙁

  13. Eh… It’s pretty standard yin and yang honestly.

    I’m consistently identifying what I can and can’t control in my life and working on the things that pertain to me so I can be more productive. It’s tough, really but… I think I’ll manage.

  14. I’m in the process of house hunting and the stress of that is getting to me. It just feels like I’m never going to find a house that I like within my price range that someone else isn’t going to put in a bid that is a crazy amount over asking price. Additionally it feels like its capitalizing all of my free time just finding and looking at houses.

  15. A hell of a lot better since I outright stopped visiting the frontpage of reddit. I do miss out of some of the bigger events going on around the world and in the US, but I have been getting less and less stressed out.

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