So I know to help with confidence (aka socialskills) I know that you have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations and embarrassing situations as well but I don’t know what to do or where to start please comment things I can do.

1 comment
  1. Out of the people surrounding you, be it at school, university, wherever, pick the ones you could see yourself being friends with and say
    “Hi, that’s a cool bag. I’m Psvita. What’s your name?”
    and then depending on how it goes and what they say, use all the common phrases that are nothing special but show that you know what a normal conversation goes like:
    “Oh, how do you spell that? (With an F or PH?)”
    “Cool. So I’m kinda new and have no clue what people do for fun around here. What are you guys into?”
    “Awesome, well hey I gotta run, but let’s exchange numbers and hang out next week?”
    Stuff like that.

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