I am 33M and wife 30. When things are good they are very good. But when Things aren’t the way she wants me to be or I do something she doesn’t like she blows up on me very violent, belittle me, gaslighting, screams and says things that has me concerned.

As I am talking calmly to her trying to keep the peace…
She says leave me alone before I say something to you that will hurt your feelings. So many things passed through my mind when she says this.

How should I take this? 🤔 why this much hatred? What does this mean? This is the second time she has said this.

Advice please.

  1. She clearly has anger issues. She seems to be aware of that. Is she seeking therapy for them?

  2. How long have you been together?
    How long has this been happening?

    You should both seek therapy, for sure.

  3. I don’t know why she acts that way, but I do know that she is abusive. You are a victim of spousal abuse. If I were in your place, I wouldn’t stay unless she got some help. And even then, the outcome is questionable.

    I also strongly encourage you to get help for yourself. Even if the abuse hasn’t gotten physical, it’s still traumatic and you deserve support to help you cope and heal.

  4. This sounds a lot like me… Within the past year, I’ve been diagnosed with Bi-polar II. I cannot stress enough what a difference the proper brain chemistry has made in my relationship. We went from fighting every day to about five arguments in the past year. It used to be every emotion at an 11, very happy, very angry. I’m now able to (usually) clearly state my needs without taking offense or viewing every single thing as a personal attack. I would encourage you to try and get your wife a full mental health evaluation, and medication if necessary.

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