So, background context. I (19f) had feelings for this guy N(20m) last semester and expressed this to him. We talked for about a month then N instigated cuddling and kissed me. After he told his sports team that he and I were dating, but kind of avoided me and after a week we talked and agreed its not best to date atm. We stayed friends after and

Yesterday was N’s birthday so I got him cupcakes and went to hang out. After I compiled this list of everything that happened that I felt could be ambiguous.

* was shirtless when I got there and stayed shirtless even though he complained about being cold
* Wanted to try on my rings
* Compared our hand sizes
* Let me braid his hair
* Occasionally would lean against me
* We did sort of a tug-of-war where I ended up falling into him and he caught me then wrapped his arms around me
* Walked me back to my dorm (wearing a shirt) (normal but for storyline)
* I hooked hands and tried pulling his hand then after he just didn’t let go
* I stood on a chair so we’d be eye level then after he picked me up and threw me on my bed
* He went to look at my shelves after
* Picked me up a couple other times after
* Saw ring he gave me last year but didn’t say anything
* It was one he made in highschool that he was really proud of
* Bone dialogue \*talking about misconception of women having an extra rib\*
* Me : Can I have one of your ribs?
* N : No
* Me : What about a different bone?
* N : Yes
* Side hugged me when he left


I took most of this to be a bit more than platonic, especially given the past, but my friend says that it might just be nothing. If it is something I don’t know what to do. Last year it escalating went poorly so I don’t see the point in trying again if it’ll go the same.


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