It’s recognized that there isn’t a single definition of what constitutes a physically attractive guy/girl, but for arguments sake, let’s say there’s a person that many people would find physically attractive.

Assuming that the person has a great personality to boot and many other desirable qualities, what are the pros and cons of dating a person like this?

What advice would you have for a person dating this highly desirable person?

  1. Is this under the assumption that you are not highly desirable?

    I dont understand the assignment lol

  2. Depends what you mean by “great personality”. Somebody can have a great personality but still not have the best intentions.

    By law of averages, and many on here fucking hate this but it’s still the truth, the more physically attractive somebody is the more options they are going to have and the less likely they are to settle (per individual chasing them). If a guy is very attractive, funny, charming etc then he will have many suitors, and even if he decides to settle for one (not always the case) there are still going to be more rejections in that pool than successes. It’s rare now when you meet somebody that you are the only one they are talking to or seeing, the more physically attractive the more competition and the less likely success, plus the more likely your biology will try to overlook their shortcomings for their looks and thus possibly the more red flags you will ignore in order to date them.

    It’s all relative of course, whether attractive or not people are just people, the advantages are clear.

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