I 22M started seeing this girl and we’re vibing. Come to find out she has a OF and it’s her primary source of income. I can’t tell her to stop because it’s her primary source of income but what should I do?

  1. Let’s say you get a job in like a law firm or something. The Monday you bring your girl in, and one of the partners or Associates looks at her and says hey, I see you naked on only fans. They’ll never take her seriously, they’ll never take you seriously. Otherwise, you have a girlfriend that doesn’t much respect herself.

  2. Decide for yourself whether or not you can deal with what she does for a living, and then date her or don’t.


    What else do you feel you *should* be doing, or have any *right* to be doing?

  3. Decide whether you’re okay with it or not. If you are, stay. If you’re not, leave. Whatever you do, don’t tell her what to do with her life that she’s already established before you entered the picture.

  4. No one here can answer that for you—too many variables and personal viewpoints.

    What does she do on OF? Does she interact or just sell photos/videos/other?

    What is your personal feeling about having your GF do whatever it is she does on OF (cannot emphasize enough that not all OF accounts are the same and you really need to take into account specifically what her OF is like)?

    Is this her sole source of income because she enjoys it or have other things necessitated it? Does she plan on continuing long term or is this just for the time being?

  5. It’s completely up to you. You can either date her as she is or move on. Don’t try to make her stop, and don’t make yourself date her if you aren’t comfortable with it. If you are ok with it, then date her and don’t worry about what other people think

  6. Accept it or move on, shouldn’t be dating to change people. Find someone you accept fully as they are

  7. For me? Absolutely. For you? Only you can answer.

    Are you okay with hundreds or maybe even thousands of dudes sexually gratifying themselves to your girl? What about close friends? Maybe even family/extended family? It will get around and when it does I guarantee you the above people will, to some degree, look for her content.

  8. If it bothers you, you shouldn’t be together. As a general rule, you need to accept people as they are.

  9. If ur ok with her having a OF then go for it. If it bothers u then prob don’t go forward. That’s pretty much it.

  10. Nothing it’s just entirely up to what your values and boundaries are. You can’t change anyone

  11. That’s a personal choice for you and you only.

    If you can accept it, great. If you can’t, you might have to move on.

  12. If it bothers you, then leave her bro.
    You will not feel secure in that relationship, and will only end up torturing yourself.
    I’m sure many girls out there ain’t on OF like that.
    Treat yourself, let her treat herself

  13. The amount of judgemental people here is appalling. There is NOTHING WRONG with doing OF for a living. It doesn’t make her a “hoe” or any less of a person.

    Its up to your personal judgement if this is a dealbreaker for you or not. It’s a valid one, and you’re right that you can’t ask her to stop if it’s her sole income. So, this is up to you and what you’re comfortable with. It’s fine if you need to break up with her for it.

    Ignore stupid bs like “oh no intimacy won’t be just between you and her” because there is no intimacy between an OF creator and their fans. None. It’s transactional and nothing else.

  14. You cant tell her to stop because you have no right to tell her what to do with her body

  15. If its their primary source of income that can be concerning if A) they dont take it seriously as a profession aka scheduled shoots, advertising and an LLC B) they dont have a career aspiration outside of that and OF is just a crutch

  16. She obviously doesn’t respect her body. She is basically selling her body for money. I don’t think you should tell her to stop since that’s how she makes money and she was doing it before you came in the picture. While that being said I think you should leave her there is way more women that will respect themselves. This is my personal view on it. You already seem unsettled with it so follow your gut. You know what you can handle and not. Don’t make your self deal with it.

  17. Run don’t walk. Why accept this drama? Now you will come last behind all her subscribers.

  18. Yes. How can someone respect let alone love another person when they can’t even respect themselves.

  19. I would date her to have a good time and get laid, but she wouldn’t be serious long term potential to me. I’m not bringing her home to mom.

  20. move on, if you really think she’s the one either accept it or talk to her about it as I believe that an OF is a completely valid reason for a partner to feel discomfort, you could tell her this and hopefully you come to some sort of agreement.

  21. OF photos and videos would be cross-posted illegally or screenshot illegally by someone and available all over the internet. A footprint large enough for someone you know to just stumble on it online without even trying. how would you face it.

    the amount of toxicity online would eventually impact her and you in spite of the $ she makes. The money would eventually reduce and stop because more and more new people try the same stuff and making it a short lived career.

    not to mention tons of other dangers of that industry.

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