Men, what is the worst thing you have ever been caught doing?

  1. As a little kid, my parents caught me building a giant bonfire in the alley to try to see if I could re-melt some of the lava pavers in our driveway, to see what magma looks like.

  2. When I was about 14 years old, my older sister walked in on me masturbating in the lounge….she didn’t talk to me for about 2 weeks.

  3. One time in church we were singing hymns and I was only lip syncing. Sister Mary came and stood next to me glaring at me coldly.

    That or doing lines of coke off my sister in law’s chest

  4. Stealing a comic book from the pharmacy when I was 10. The guilt and shame of my dad making me take it back and apologize has been with me ever since and I’ve never stolen another comic book.

  5. When I was 6-7 I unzipped my fly and inserted a wrapped Twinkie and let it hang out like it was my schlong, and my mom saw me and yelled at me.

    Not my fault, Hostess made those cakedicks.

  6. I had two girls I was sleeping with in college.

    Study buddy w one. Low and behold her roomie was friends with another. She walked in and the roomie was like “my roommate is hitting him” and the other goes “uh I am too”.

    Neither had an ‘exclusive’ talk with me so I was sleeping around. Lost two booty calls in one night 🙁

  7. There are a few;-

    1) wanking in the family living room to group sex porn and being caught by step mom

    2). Flashing to a passing train when I was 17! (family friend recognised me and told parents)

    3). Posted shit through a snitches letter box. The person I was with told someone and it got back to the snitch – who snitched 😂

  8. in high school I climbed into my (closed) school through a toilet window to go into the computer class. some old man must have spotted this from his window across the football field and called the police.

  9. Honestly, jerking off. Been caught a few times. I swear it’s safe when I start but somehow (when I was living with family) someone would always walk into my room at the worst times.

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