Do you tip the same percentage as you would in a restaurant? Do drivers split tips like waitstaff does sometimes?

  1. I give them a five, every time. I never order more food than just for me, so five bucks is usually 20-50% of my order price.

  2. I have had this debate with myself and others many times and tbh I still dont know where I stand. On one hand, the general rules is a percentage, which is fair in restaurants because the more you order, the more work your waiter has to do to bring you everything. But for delivery, it doesnt really matter what I spend on my meal, the effort by the delivery driver is relatively the same, so should it be a flat rate?

    In the end I still do percentage because I know how shitty working food delivery is, but it is something I have thought about.

  3. Personally, when tipping, I double the tax. minimum $5. This is for sit-down restaurants. Fast food joints, I don’t tip at all.

    For delevery drivers, I do not tip when I order food but with cash($5 each time) upon delivery. I do this because I have been told by several people the driver rarely gets the full tip if any of it.

  4. 15-20%. They’re using their own personal car to make these deliveries and don’t get paid much from the apps themselves. Before delivery apps I did the same with pizza and Chinese food deliveries.

    That said I rarely order delivery. I’ve got restaurants within walking distance that I can dine in or carry out from, or I just drive and pick up the order myself.

  5. Minimum of 5 dollars or 15%, whichever is more. I’ll go up from there if the restaurant is a long distance away or the weather is terrible.

    But I rarely order delivery. Usually I just get food from closer places and go pick it up myself, unless I’m sick.

  6. I do around 10-20% to the nearest .50 total. So if the total was like $10.70 then I’d do like 1.30 tip. I don’t think about it too much but it ends up evening out in the end

  7. A big one honestly like 8-10 dollars but it all depends on what I’m ordering. Everything is so expensive to order online like what’s the point now? Just make it at home. It’s supposed to be a cheaper way to get quick food!

  8. *I do NOT use delivery drivers for this REASON!* ***Pay your drivers appropriately, just like waitresses! Pay these people their worth! Raise the price then!***

    Tipping is a disgusting practice and should be abolished and outlawed!

  9. Start at 20% and go up or down for speed, friendliness, bad weather, and handling of any problems. You’re a dick and the food took forever? 15% Online tip and no contact with driver? 20%. You’re super cool and it’s snowing sideways? My *dude,* here’s a 50% tip.

  10. The last time I tipped a delivery driver it was about 20%-ish; I slipped him a $10 on a couple of pizzas.

    This was… God, I can’t even remember how long ago it was. Perhaps a decade?

    I almost never order delivery.

  11. > How do you determine how much to tip a delivery driver?

    I tip $3 or $4 regardless of what’s being delivered.

    > Do you tip the same percentage as you would in a restaurant?

    I double the tax and round up to the nearest dollar while in a restaurant.

    > Do drivers split tips like waitstaff does sometimes?

    I can’t imagine that happens with any frequency, if it happens at all. If a restaurant has it’s own dedicated driver then it’s likely they just have one driver. Otherwise, they’re probably using some sort of delivery app and they’re not.

  12. $5 is the minimum for me when it comes to delivery or restaurant. I usually am by myself so $5 is plenty. I don’t require much attention haha

  13. $5 or 20%, whichever is greater.

    I don’t think much about what’s “fair.” Like so what if a guy that delivers three pizzas makes a bigger tip than someone that delivers two. Even if that is an unfair situation, you don’t make the world a better place by tipping the three pizza guy less.

  14. Total bill, service, and weather – no less than 20%. I live in a college town where people are notorious for not tipping and where it can snow from November to April. Also understand how poor the students are here (this is not Northampton). Hard job.

    I rarely get delivery, but I always check to make sure delivery person got tip. They also text back and are grateful. I get very, very good service.

  15. I’m a driver for a delivery app and we all go by $ to mile ratio. $1/mile is nice $2 per mile is great. Check the distance the restaurant is to your house. Big big orders of a lot of stuff tip a bit more.

  16. For something like Doordash, I tip $1.50 per mile from the restaurant to my house. Since almost everything I order is like 5-6 miles away from me, that means my tips tend to be $8 or $9. I mostly just order for one or two people and this has always been fine. If I am ordering for a larger group or something, I add a few bucks.

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