My wife told me the other day that she was looking at the diet program Body Beyond the other day and was interested in it but wouldn’t do it because of how much money it costs. Usually when she says something like that I make a note and get it as a gift for her but I am questioning doing that because it a gift of a diet. A few notes: when she says that she won’t buy something because of the cost, I can’t say anything to convince her to do it. We have been together for 9 years and gone through things like that before. That is why I just buy it for her. I do not care if she loses or gains weight. Her weight has fluctuated (as has mine) as long as we have been together. There are times that it bothers her more for one reason or another. Right now I think it bothers her because of the other parents we are around. I have supported her in the past in various ways when she wanted to focus on losing weight. This time I feel like if I get her this as a gift I am saying that I want her to lose weight or she needs to lose weight. I hope this makes sense. Any advice or thoughts?

TL:DR. Should I buy my wife a diet book she mentioned wanting as a gift?

  1. Buy her flowers and a card. In the card, tell her how much you love her, how you will always love her body no matter what. Then offer as a gift the program, if she is interested, because you can see how much it means to her.

  2. Don’t do that. Anything but that. You’d be digging your own grave if you however try to do things with her that are on the more healthy side maybe ease into it. I’m sure she’d apperciate that a lot more. Gl.

  3. I wouldn’t give someone a diet gift for their birthday. The only way I would is if you were both going to do it together and even then you would be taking a risk. If I were you I’d do something else for her birthday and instead of buying an expensive diet I’d focus on eating healthy and exercising. If you lead a healthy lifestyle she is more likely to as well and then you don’t need the expensive diet at all. Easier said than done though.

  4. You could tell her you’re happy to get it for her and ask her if she wants you to. I wouldnt get it as a gift or mwntion it in a card , it makes it seem like you want her to lose weight. It’s too risky.

  5. I could see this scenario with me and my partner. If he gave me the book as a casual gift and said: ‘you mentioned wanting to get it – sounded interesting so thought we could both give it a try’, I would be very happy with the gesture. If he gave it to me for my birthday and my friends and family asked what present I received and I said ‘a diet book’, I would be embarrassed. If she wants the book, it’s a nice gift! Just not for her birthday. In our house we call them Wednesday gifts (Why the gift? Because it’s Wednesday. Why not?).

  6. Where does the cost come from? Is she worried about the price of the book itself, or do you have to eat weird specialty foods?

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