How do you know when it’s appropriate to be persistent in pursuing a woman?

  1. It’s never good or appropriate to be persistent because if she liked you than she’d tell you and you wouldn’t have to be doing that and not only that but it can get on people’s nerves.

  2. Show some interest and see if it gets reciprocated.

    It’s creepy af to pursue someone who isn’t reciprocating your attention.

    I don’t think you should ever be persistent in pursuit.

  3. if you’re respecting boundaries and space, you’re fine. once she starts giving signs that she isn’t into you, give it up and move on. it’s best for everyone involved.

  4. it’s not.

    either they’re not interested

    or they are playing games with you and that’s not the sort of woman you should want to date.

  5. I don’t ever think it’s worth it andi think you’re wasting your time

    It’s not like the girl is running away or some shit,so why are you PURSUING her.

    If she likes you than you don’t gotta pursue shit because she already there.

    This is a concept I dont think people understand.

    Flirting is a back and forth thing, if the girl isn’t flirting with you than you’re just wasting your time

    Imagine this: when you got friends at work did you go up to them and just talk they ear off or try to find out there interests?

    No, that shit probably developed naturally. A few jokes here and there and next thing you know you’re hanging out by there air talking about sports or some shit

    Flirting is the same thing except a lot more “accidental” bumping into one another and your boss needing to split y’all two the fuck up so work can actually get done

    That’s chemistry.

    You don’t gotta chase a girl if she likes you because she’ll come to you on her own.

    Ya know dating isn’t like the video games where you just talk to a girl and hopefully the romantic dialogue option happens like in mass effect cuz you sad the right things

    Shit should be like magnets, it should happen regardless of rather or not you even wanted it to

    Maybe you never experienced that, but you’ll know it when you do because its gonna be completely unplanned and happen naturally af

    Girls flirt too, you can tell when a girl is really feeling you. Everything you say is the funniest shit and her ass keeps finding her way near you

  6. It’s never appropriate.

    At worse, It makes you look creepy, pathetic, and needy.

    At best, She’s playing games. Which should make you run away from her anyways.

  7. When she is a virgin. Otherwise she just pretends to be hard to get, while someone else already got her.

    Otherwise, just don’t pursue too hard.

  8. To quote women, “if she wanted to, she would.”

    Have enough respect for yourself to expect them to show interest to. You deserve it.

  9. Define “persistent.”

    I chased the woman whom I’d later marry for seven months before she gave me a shot. Well, at least that’s the story that she tells. In reality, I shot my shot, got rejected, and then did my own thing for seven months while continuing to run into her in various places.

    I had an attitude of “Hey, I’m still interested, but you’ve gotta show *me* something if you want me to ask you out again.” I guess that attitude was a lot more attractive, because eventually she did, and the rest is history. Crucially, if she had not initiated, I would not have minded, and eventually I would have found someone else.

  10. Another vote for it’s not.

    No means no and a soft no means I’m asking again later but twice is the limit.

    At that point you know I’m interested and where to find me.

  11. Good persistence is like if you both sort of liked each other but timing was a bit off.

    Bad persistence is like if she never liked you, never will like you, you aren’t her type, she’s told you to stay away, and made it clear that it’s a no. Just move on.

  12. If you have to be persistent you’re doing it wrong. You are the shiny fishing lure. Do it right and they’ll swallow you whole.

  13. Never. Fuck being persistent and a go getter. Women want men who give up instantly the moment she says no. If you are persistent you are a loser these days. Giving up is the new way to live life.

  14. Don’t. If she thinks she can afford not locking you down she is not all that attracted to you to begin with and desire is nothing you can negotiate.

  15. If someone wants to spend time with you, they’ll make the effort. If the effort is all one-sided, than it’s not a relationship/potential relationship. If you ask a woman out, and she declines, move on. If she wanted to go on a date she’d have let you know when she was free.

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