So I (24M) met this girl (26F) a while ago and went out a few times and the vibe and energy everything was just great. (we both stated this to each other)

We did end up hooking up a few weeks ago and i feel like it ruined things i guess? Everything was fine but maybe it was just too soon. Here is my problem

Ever since then her communication has been shit and she’s been agreeing to meet up again to hang but is showing zero effort in making it actually happen. Normally i’d cut my ties but I do like her vibe a lot and seems like we could be real close. To give more context she is bisexual and told me she doesn’t know what she wants exactly and is going through a dark time (depressed).
Should i keep trying to make it happen and fix things bc i think it’ll all be worth it for both of us? I have this feeling i’m one of those people who someone meets and brings that spark out of them

I know matching the energy is crucial it’s just tough when that gut feeling eats at you

What are ur thoughts?

Should I keep reaching out to girl I hooked up with with history of great vibes but energy isn’t matched anymore?

1 comment
  1. If you like her vibe enough to be friends instead of sexual offer that. “We vibe so well and I’d really like to have you in my life in whatever way you can handle. If not now because you’re dealing with too much I’ll be around and happy to hear from you. I don’t want the cool energy we had to turn into something that makes you feel pressured.
    Text me if you feel like talking or hanging out”.

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