No one likes me(17M) no matter what I do. I just started at a new school last school year. I have no real friends, as in people I’ll hang out with outside of school and go to school events with. On top of that no one really seems to like me even in school. It’s not like I don’t try to socialize or am antisocial, I talk to people and people who I already know, but everyone thinks of me as a joke or a weirdo. I’m not even well liked by the other less socially known people. I don’t have anything in common with the other people who are weirdos and outcasts. I like normal stuff like basketball and football. I love working out. I just don’t get what I could do to be likeable, I don’t act like an asshole, I try to reach out and create bonds but either they dislike me after getting to know me or we’re surface levels friends.

Just today I was walking with some people I know but not “friends” with and we were talking about girls and one guys said “Even if you pulled with your looks, your personality wouldn’t make anyone stay” What I don’t get is, what is so dislikeable about me? Why do I have no friends?

Advice and Comments are appreciated

1 comment
  1. Who is that guy? Don’t put too much stock into what he says. Try to cultivate the “surface” relationships. Find people who are into the same things that you’re into. Maybe working out?

    My point is, is that there’s freedom when you realize that these people aren’t so great and they aren’t so bad. Do what you like to do and put yourself in situations where you’re doing what you like and notice who’s there. When someone asks you to do something, say yes. Things are going to get better. You’re working out-that will make you hot. Things are bound to improve. Be nice to everyone. It’s going to get better.

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