I was wondering if there was a difference between the way people handle affairs in the UK and US. Is it more acceptable in the US are you more likely to stay with your partner in the UK??

  1. When British men walk in on it happening, they shout, “I SAY!”

    When American men walk in on it happening, they shout, “WHAT IN HELL!?”

  2. For some religious segments, divorce for any reason is unacceptable and the expectation is that you will stay through infidelity.

  3. These are some completely unfounded ideas I had but may not be accurate. People in the UK are definitely much less religious so that may have a role as already mentioned. Also our divorce courts are different and we don’t really have pre nups here in the same way so a woman who finds her husband is cheating may be less concerned about ending up broke if she leaves her husband if for example she doesn’t work and relies on her husband financially (although that is just speculation). And one more possible difference is that Brits tend to be non confrontational/stiff upper lip/brush things under the carpet so some people may have suspicions or even know their partner cheated but just ignore them – obviously thats not everyone but may be a trait more common in the UK. In contrast in some parts of the US, people may care more about what others think of them and try to keep up appearance so they may also do the same but for different motivations (again pure speculation!!!). The US also does have a more overtly macho culture in some ways compared to the UK so that may influence things e.g. the idea that it is more acceptable for men to cheat as it’s just in their nature could be more prevalent and make some women more likely to put up with it… overall it’s probably lots of different very small influences that have effects in all different directions

  4. In my personal experience the opposite is true, it seems the Brits are less likely to stay married after an affair is discovered.

  5. Cheating is the #1 deal breaker for me. I have to be able to trust my wife. Once that trust is betrayed, I just don’t see a road to rebuild and re-establish it to a high enough degree to share my life with her. But, it’s a simple equation for me since we don’t have any children, and we each earn enough to maintain a decent standard of living.

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