I feel so ashamed for this. Some of my friends talk about the porn they watch, and it’s mostly softcore/sensual with a lot of attention on female pleasure. But for some reason, I seem to like other types of porn, some of it hardcore. I feel like it’s not the type of thing women should like. What’s wrong with me? What can I do?

  1. Learn that consent is a magical thing.

    Everybody’s a little different but one of the reasons women tend to like intense even violent porn isn’t because they want violence but it’s the level of desire that makes a man lose control that makes it hot

  2. Nothing wrong with you. Who says you can’t enjoy things that aren’t considered the “norm” which might I point out is not a set thing and changes a whole damn much. Just enjoy being you and like what you like. No point guilting yourself like this that too for something that’s not that important 😊

  3. Everyone likes different things. You do you and stop worrying what other people enjoy. Besides who says they aren’t embarrassed about what they like and are just telling you the safe respectable answer?

  4. Nothings wrong with you at all. I’m a 29f too and love hardcore porn. Many women do.

    What you can do is stop feeling guilty and enjoy yourself.

  5. My taste in porn does not reflect my actual sexual experiences or preferences, lol. I like some weird shit

  6. It might help you to know that one of the most common fantasies for women are rape fantasies. That’s what studies tell us. Our friends might be a little shy volunteering that info, you’ll always get a bias for social desirability with topics as touchy as this

  7. Toning is wrong with you. Don’t be ashamed for what you like. There are a million varieties of porn cause different people like different things. You’re great. Promise.

  8. I(M40) used to/still like to watch really sensual porn and after my marriage i found out that my wife does not care about thay type of porn. He tastes were not actually female friendly…to each their own, you are not alone

  9. I enjoy reading erotica much more than videos. I love it dirty and dark. Only a very small percentage of that interests me in real life but it’s great for my imagination. You like what you like!

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