I am worried about this constantly. I am an only child, and dont get along well with my cousins, so once my parents die, I am all alone.

  1. Learn to live on your own and better your life experience. A partner will perhaps come along at some point of the journey.

    I try to remind myself of this but it’s much easier said than done.

  2. No. I used to be but now, Im just excited for whats to come. I cant explain it, I just have a feeling Im gunna live a great lovestory in my life. Im a religious person, so Im not too worried as I believe its in the hands of God. Im aware theres a possibility of me not meeting my person in this life but in the hereafter, but honestly Ive been through a difficult heartache and I just trust God somehow will compensate me for my loss with something/someone better (I always pray for it).

  3. Yes and no

    I’ll probably find one, but I worry greatly that either they’ll cheat on me and I never forgive them or we fall out of love eventually😔

  4. Yup! Sometimes I’m hit with sudden bouts of anxiety about “the one who got away.” That’s when I worry that I’ll never find another like him.

    But whenever I feel that shadow over me, I remember that I found love when I wasn’t looking and was focused on my hobbies, goals, job searching— I was busy! And then it came.

    Now I’m trying to “forget” that I want romance. No more dating apps or trying to scope people out. Just doing what I did before.

  5. Literally just opened the sub to look this up. I’ve been plugged into improving myself, going and doing things, etc like I’ve been wanting a love life for so long but have too sparse interaction with women my age (25) to actually have options or just hope in general. I feel like an extra person sometimes. Nobody except for my close family would care if I exist or not and I’m with you on not wanting to know what that feeling is like if they were gone and you still can’t find someone who wants to care about you.

  6. Sometimes, but most people aren’t going to be a good fit anyway so better to just live your own life and hope you find a decent match one day 🤷‍♀️

  7. I’m happy doing things by myself but sometimes yeah it his me hard about not having a partner. I still believe someone is out there for me despite going on countless dead end dates

  8. Am I worried about finding a partner? No, not at all.

    Am I worried about finding – the right – partner? A bit more, yes. That seems like the real challenge nowadays.

  9. Yes. But in my case I feel that the issue is not actually lacking a partner but rather lacking connection to deeper parts of myself, creating a sense of vacancy which I then seek to fill through a connection with another person. I try to tell myself this whenever I begin to feel extremely needy/desperate/codependant towards a hypothetical partner. I have experienced many moments of contentedness in solitude, in which I do not feel lacking in a partner and already “complete” by myself, thus proving it is possible for me to feel whole without another person.

    Yet for some reason, I persistently carry the feeling of “incompleteness”, and of needing another person to complete me. I think it is partially because I am highly incompetent relative to most other people (which I attribute to autism, ADHD, and likely plain-old low-IQ) such that I go through my day being reminded of my habitual mess-ups and then seek a more competent person to help restore order to my life.

    I’d like to believe this is simply a faulty belief-system, that I never actually needed a partner to be happy, and that I’ll one day discover how to remain continuously happy in my own company.

  10. I refuse to believe this despite being 31 years of age and never being in an LTR. I choose to divert my focus towards myself and living for myself and not for anyone else in the meantime. If I felt like I am destined to be alone forever it will make me miserable and I want to be happy so I have faith my time will come. What will be will be.

  11. I used to feel this all the time, especially after my last relationship ended on really bad terms. It took me a long time to try to get over that feeling. I keep trying to do things I love, improve my health and other skills, go out and try to socialize. Still am single and I’m happy most of the days, but I keep getting that dreaded feeling every now and then that I will never find another partner and end up dying alone. That feeling creeps up no matter what I do, but I realized its less frequent once I focus on simply doing the things that make me happy.

  12. I am worried, 41 year old male and lost a lot of friends because of my lying ex gf. Dating apps for men is horrible experience if you don’t look like “9 or 10” as I know women have so many matches

    I have been doing my own stuff like visited some amazing places around the world since 2019. tbh I would of rather of visited Bali and Vietnam with a girlfriend rather than some travel group as despite the marketing for these, a lot of people on them are not social, really depends on the group for that trip

  13. All the time. Trying to warm up to the idea of dying alone with moderate success, but it’ll always be on the back of my mind.

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