What is your hilarious first date story?

  1. I was staying in a part of India where the culture and language is different from my native language. Needless to say, I picked it up quite a bit and I was able to achieve some level of conversational skill in Telugu (this is in Hyderabad). I meet a girl on Bumble who see my profile and assume outrightly that I only know Malayalam.
    The date goes well, until the point where she suddenly gets a phone call from her best friend. She decides to put it on loudspeaker and talk to her friend, who asks in Telugu about “whether or not the making out started”. I just keep quiet and after the call ends, she starts to realise I understand Telugu after I order food by asking the waiter. The rest of the date went with “you know Telugu? But i didn’t know. I’m so embarassed.” And quite a few laughs.

    Yeah we didn’t make out or have a second date.

  2. Not funny but cringey, I was driving this girl back home from the date and First Date by Blink182 came on after I had my phone play music on shuffle. Physically I was alright but mentally I was cringing pretty hard

  3. Ran into the girl’s ex and his new gf, my date got in an argument with the new girl and they had a fistfight. I tried to stop it and then I had to fight the ex. Wound up fleeing the scene when the cops were coming.

  4. Ummm… Went to dinner. The girl and I had one drink. The date was a little bland, but after the date is when it got interesting/funny. She starts acting tipsy and the gets completely naked in my front seat. I was worried something happened. So i dropped her off at home and called it a night. However I look back and laugh b/c who gets but naked in the front seat of car on the first date while the dude is driving.

  5. Girl picked me up , (she was super Rich , she had a cool car and she insisted she picks me up ) , we go to a restaurant of her choosing , we go in and there i find out her father is joining us for dinner , he literally asked me what do i like about his daughter and what are my future plans with her , one of the longest dinners of my life

  6. Had a concussion the week prior, symptoms kicked in just a few days before.

    Have no memory of the date, but apparently she had a great evening.

  7. This was way back when I was early 20 ish. This girl came up to me at the theater and actually asked me out. So I said sure. But once we got to a coffee shop, and stared talking…almost every word I heard out of her mouth was the word “Fuck”. Now, cuss words don’t honestly bother me. But holy shit…I felt so embarrassed because I felt heads turning towards us as I sank deeper into my chair while this random chick was cussing worse then a drunken sailor.

  8. During the romantic part of the movie I asked her “May I taste of your beauty”. She and her best friend laughed for a solid 5 minutes.

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