What is your favourite time to go to the gym or exercise?

  1. Busy life in law plus insomnia usually means I’m in the gym at weird hours (think 11pm – 1am). Thank god for 24 hour gyms.

  2. As late as possible before bed. It’s when my energy level is highest. Plus the gym is nice and quiet.

  3. It’s late at night like 9-10pm. I wish I could do it in the morning but I get too tired after working out so don’t think that would work for me

  4. I do my first 10 minutes arm workout and my stretches right after I wake up, but my favourite time to do my main 30-40 minutes workout is definitely in the evening (usually around 8-9PM).

  5. Morning jogs are the best. Helps the day start off right!

    As for hitting the gym, right after work is best for me. Helps burn off any frustrations, gives my brain a nice change of pace, and I’m on a relatively empty stomach.

  6. Ideally night, but due to work schedule I do it early morning so I actually get it done. I like doing it before the humidity sets in during Summer/Spring which is about 5am, but in Winter its dark and icy at this time

  7. Leave home by 5am. Done workout and back home eating breakfast before the traffic starts. Showered and at work before 9am.

  8. Late, the gym I go to is 24/7, I’ll go there at around 2-3 AM and I’ll be damn near the only one there, suuuuper comfy and relaxing to workout because of this.

  9. Male but me and my gf have gotten anxiety since covid struck its not even because of covid but more so don’t want people around

  10. First thing in the morning. I get up at 5:45 so I can have some coffee and a workout.

  11. Early morning like 6am. Less packed and my gym has a senior citizen rate for gym goers over 65 that go to gym between 5am – 2pm so the time I go it’s only filled with nice old people who do yoga or zumba

  12. I go at 6:00 AM. I feel my strongest early in the morning and I get to get working out out of the way & empty gym. WIN-WIN-WIN!

  13. First thing in the morning – I can get the best bike and get my workout out of the way

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