Men that wanted no commitment but changed their mind and settled with one person, why had you made that decision and what made you change?

  1. long story short; She’s an amazing supporter to my life and she just so happen to come at the right time. I was focused on me and we kind of reconnected again once I got my shit together to decent standing. While im working on me she still is incredibly understanding and supportive. Guys who arent ready to be in a relationship are most likely in a tight spot in their life and want to work on that first we dont really want HELP fixing it sometimes we just want someone who believes in us and she does that for me

  2. Uggh… she wore me down….kept up the morning bjs long enough to make me think it was her idea, then rug pulled me after the ring. Dammit.

  3. >why had you made that decision

    Hadn’t met the right person or was ready.

    >what made you change?

    I met the right person and I guess I was ready.

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