Talks to me daily but is interested in someone else?

Hey, I met him like 4 weeks ago. We’re both southamerican immigrants which is why we kind of bonded straight away and we talk every day in person or through texting.
He texts me first a lot and when I read his messages but don’t reply (either because I’m busy or think the conversation is over) he texts me again with a random question like asking me how maths class was.
But yesterday he asked me if I was friends with a specific girl and I said yes and asked why to which he replied that he thinks she is pretty and doesn’t know how to approach her. I am a bit confused because I thought he was interested in me especially since he keeps texting me daily even if I don’t text him first and we have fun together and joke around a lot.
I feel a bit bad because even though I know it’s not true I feel like guys don’t like me because I have black eyes and hair while others in my class are blonde and with green or blue eyes so it kinda made me sad.
The logical reason is obviously that he sees me as a friend but then I don’t really understand why he talks to me so much and not to others, I’ve also known people that have said that they have a crush on someone else to make the person they were talking to jealous.
Has anyone had an experience like that or am I just looking too much into it?

1 comment
  1. How old are you guys? A lot of younger guys use that to make a girl jealous and I would bet that’s what he’s doing. If he didn’t like you he wouldn’t be texting you daily. If you are short with him or don’t respond a lot he probably thinks you don’t like him and that was his resort to try and get with you.

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