Women of reddit how do you feel that 2/3 of suicides are done by men?

  1. It’s tragic. I’ve had 2 friends commit suicide it’s truly a horrible thing to happen.

  2. Mental health needs to be taken more seriously for everyone. While men succeed women are far more likely to attempt. Life sucks so bad people want to end it to get away, but no real change seems to happen.

    Beyond that, if men could stop fucking shooting themselves my job would be a lot easier.

  3. Everyone should feel comfortable talking about how they’re feeling and what they’re thinking, with care and understanding and without any judgement ♥️ men have been told not to cry and show sadness which is heartbreaking. Please don’t feel like you’re weak for doing so, you’re strong no matter what, we all are ♥️

  4. Sad. It’s also horrible that there are exactly no actions to figure out why it happens and find ways to lower the numbers – save lives!

  5. Same way I feel that women attempt suicide more than men. Mental health issues are not sex or gender-exclusive, and the systems in place to aid people experiencing mental health problems need to be funded way more than they are.

    Suicidal ideation should not be stigmatised to the extent that it is, more help needs to be available, and the help that is available needs to be more comprehensive.

  6. Compassion. Choosing to die instead of living with suffering sucks and it’s horrible that we, as a society, don’t support people enough to alleviate their suffering. (This will shortly turn into an anti-capitalism rant…)

  7. I feel sad for the loved ones they left behind and for them that they didn’t receive the help they needed.

    Most suicides are tragic losses regardless of gender. I think that all people should have better access to mental health assistance and be supported in getting the help they need. Men have higher rates of completed suicide because they choose more definite methods. Women attempt suicide more often but tend to use less certain methods. It’s not a contest. Both need better access to and help from mental health services.

  8. I’ve felt this way lately due to health issues also mental health. Doctor gave me the wrong meds. Prednisone.. gave me Insomina, brain foh, anxiety, depression.. sent me mental, gave me gerd, muscle aches bone pain, tingling and vibrations in my head, dry skin flaking, hormonal changes, made viens snd cappileries stand out more and bust, lost 14kgs, in alot of pain now and sleep issue are so 🙁 . I got a lot of the side effects. I was on it 20days 5 months ago 🙁 I feel like I lost my life and who I was x
    Fatigue is so bad not being about to sleep like a bear. 1-4 hrs is torture. I have 4 kids so they are the reason I’m still here but it’s hard each day.
    I love life to but suffering js a nightmare. I miss my old life being a awesome mum. Not a sick mum that struggles to get out of bed and to function.

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