I want to talk to this guy tgat i am interested in. Should i start of with a compliment like ‘ oh you have really pretty eyes.’ ? Or is it weird. If yes how should i start a convo? ( we have nothing in common or any mutual friends)

Edit: we are both 19 in college

  1. Walk up to him

    “I think your eyes are cute, wanna go out sometime?”

    He will probably say yes

  2. start with hi and get to know him, use what you learn about him to seal the deal.

  3. “If I don’t ask you out to coffee now, it’s gonna be weird when I know too much about you from watching you since I first noticed you.”

  4. I don’t know about pretty eyes, you must have some confidence to take a compliment with a smile and a thankyou, I don’t know if I had that at 19. some clothes items/accessories might work better, if you can think of some casual follow-up questions, like where did you get that and where do you generally go shopping. better still if he’s got something with a band name/movie/tv show on it, anything you can ask about and switch to similar things you like.

    I’d also guess there’s no harm in straight-up asking like do you have a girlfriend and do you think we could go grab a coffee or even if you can think of somewhere to go where it’s not necessarily just the two of you, like you and your friends plan on going to a movie or an event or just hang out at a bar or something. from there you can also go on and ask what else he does except classes and see if there’s something interesting for you where you might come along.

  5. It depends on the context I think, but in these situations I always start with a joke about something he/she is doing. For example if he’s drinking you can approach an say “I don’t think one can find any answer in that bottle, but maybe trying harder is a possibility” and you take a drink too

  6. Walk up to him, say hi and introduce yourself. After a bot of conversation suck his dick

  7. Both in college is a very big source of things to talk about.
    If you like coffee just ask him where to get good coffee. If he doesn’t like coffee ask him what he does like. Do not do this if he is holding a Starbucks cup, you can do better.

  8. “Hi” is always a fine play! If you don’t know of a common interest, create one! Use whatever is in the environment. An interesting painting, excitement for Halloween, something! I always tell guys, ask the lady some prompting questions and then try to listen more than you talk, but either gender can use that for getting to know someone better.

    Bottom line? Let go of analysis paralysis, look for a moment that feels right (or gently but firmly create one if you must) and *talk* to him! You miss 100% of the shots you never take.

    Good luck!

  9. I think approaching a stranger with a compliment like that is maybe a little too bold, try just making casual conversation with them. Assuming you have class together or something, find some quiet time(maybe before or after class) to speak to them. I’d need some more context maybe for specific advice but literally a “Hey, how’s it going?” is more than enough to strike up a convo with someone. You’re at the same university and I’m guessing even the same class so you already have that in common.

  10. Like others here it’s important to know, how do you know the guy? What’s the situation like? Where did you first see him? Any kind of interaction whether it be verbal or non verbal (such as looks, winks, anything really that counts as contact)

  11. Most believed compliments are referred ones, so you get a friend to say that you think he’s really cute. He will be intrigued and ask you out.

  12. I would start with smth neutral, like “How to get to the library?” and watch his reaction tp learn if i should proceed or excuse myself.

  13. Men love compliments, if you feel weird saying your eyes are nice say your hair or your clothes and go from there

  14. You say you have nothing in common so you must know something about them. Is there anything that know about that you could be interested in?

    Ask them something about it. If they answer in a friendly way: thank them, explain how you’re a beginner and a little about yourself, thank them again, and then ask if they wanted to just talk generally? Maybe get a meal or a drink/coffee?

  15. Be careful of the compliment too soon. Guys are really susceptible to moving too fast at times. You say you have nothing in common, is that verified or you just don’t know? If it’s true that you don’t and this is purely a physical attraction then try accidentally bumping into him to spark a conversation.

  16. I can tell you from personal experience as a guy. Takin initiative and and aproaching him first will if anything make him interested in you more. It doesnt have to be anything specific. You can just say “Hi, I think you are cute. Would you like to go out sometime?” Only reason that can get you rejected is if he has a gf (highly unlikely) or you are not his type. It really isnt that complicated. If i managed to convince a girl to go out with me by saying sorry i stepped under your foot after she stepped on mine, you got this.

  17. Complimenting a guy is likely to go down well.
    Most men are starved for compliments.

    Alternatively, use what you know about him as an ice breaker. Guys also like to feel useful/smart.

    Something like hey, you’re into (hobby/interest/activity he does) right? And then ask a question about it.

  18. no just ask how he’s doing men like when people are upfront dont overthink it he might like you & boom

  19. Well you have beautiful eyes from the start would startle most men i remember when i got my first compliment i was so freaked out and couldn’t say anything but are you talking to me ???

  20. Don’t overthink it just be direct. I know lots of guys of varying success with women. Basically all of them will go on a date with almost any woman that asks (unless they are taken). They will not date any woman that asks, but they are open minded enough to go on a first date with anyone that asks.

    If you beat around the bush too much he might think you are trying to sell him something or get him to join a club at college or whatever. Vs if you are direct it’s like “wow! She did all the work for me. Is she at least OK attractive? Alright fuck it. Let’s give it a shot and see what her personality is like.”

    In my experience, women are somewhat the opposite. Much more likely to want to date IF you are smooth/attractive enough to get the first date in the first place . So your girl friends are projecting this need to be smooth based on their non-man perspective.

  21. I asked my now husband out. I just said “hey ___, can I give you something?” He said, “yeah sure!” And I handed him my number on a card lol. Then I left because he was working.

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