I (24f) and my boyfriend (29m) have been on the rocks lately. He’s constantly lashing out over the smallest things and always trying to control me. We broke up for 1 month earlier this year and I’ve been feeling like I made the wrong decision getting back with him. Every time we get in an argument, he tells me to get out of the house and then retreats and tells me not to leave when I try to. I feel so stuck. I adore his family but feel as though I should just tell him what he told me earlier this year, “when relationships aren’t working, two people just walk away and break up, it’s that easy.” We fight more than we don’t and I’m exhausted by this whole situation. I feel trapped when he tells me that he loves me and wants to be with me forever.

Sorry if this is all over the place I’m just not sure what to do.

TL;DR: My bf is lashing out and trying to control me and idk what to do.

  1. You break up by saying “This isn’t working for me. I’m not happy, and this kind of stress is not something that I’m willing to include in my life. Good luck with your future, but it’s going to be one without me in it.”

    It doesn’t have to be complicated – and you don’t have to justify your decision. “No” is a complete sentence, and “I am not in a relationship with you any more” is similarly complete. Then you leave, block him, and move on with your life.

    Good luck, OP – I hope you find yourself in a relationship where you are loved, respected, trusted, and supported. Don’t settle for less, because you deserve that.

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