**i need to clarify first that we’re ldr im in thai and hes in indonesia

so heres the thing he tried to kill himself but i dont know what to do. personally i wanna broke up with him cuz some thing didnt went well but just now he tried to kill himself cuz of his trauma. i mean i accept and i acknowledge the fact that i lie to him before with some stupid problems but sometimes he also did control me as well. but i also dont want it ended up like this. i dont have contact of his friends that stay in his apartment with either. i really need help.

1 comment
  1. Im going to be blunt here because its important.

    Theres not a lot you can do. You can encourage him to get help, thats all. You’re 18 and not a professional support worker.

    You do not need to stay and if he says ‘if you leave ill do it’ end it immediately and leave forever as that is abuse. Its ok to leave if this situation is upsetting to you.

    Your actions will not influence his decisions at all.

    Suicide comes from a deep mental illness it isnt going to be because of any single action, its an illness pushing him down a path.

    Tell your friends or family about this. Dont go through this alone.

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