So. This girl started changing clothes as soon as i apeared at my window. First i thought she was being careless and turned away from my window as soon as she removed her t-shirt. She then dressed the same one and remove again 15 minutes later when i came back. Things started to gain more power. From undressing to dancing without some clothes. Then she now masturbates when i apear. Sometimes with all sort of explict acts. And luminous toys now.
Its a window to window angle so no one else can see.
Their parents kind of hate me because they think i stare her, wich i do sometimes.
Now heres the tricky part: She will flirt with her brothers friend. The dude is on her age, 20s, im 30.
Is this worth a good hookup, friend with benefits or even date material(trying not to judge).
Or just a attenction seeker that will do nothing worth of my time?
Wtf is happening?
How to proceed to close the deal or to end it, depending on your opinion?

  1. Next time drop your blinds and draw the curtains … It will drive her crazy !!! If you repeat this over and over again she will cave !!!

  2. Don’t ruin it. Flirt maybe but definitely say you enjoy the shows. Maybe not jump to asking her out. I’d bet it’s fun that would be spoiled if it’s anything else

  3. Some people are just exhibitionists. She sounds like one of those people. It’s possible she’s interested. It’s also possible she is thrilled by the prospect of being watched with no actual interest in the people who are doing the watching.

    Have you tried to give her a show back?

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