Ex \[20F\] and I \[23M\] were together for 6 months. Young, in love, and felt so alive. 5 months in, like a light switch, we stopped having sex. She said she was depressed, so I was there for her. She would say, “you don’t have to stay with me through this”. She broke up with me over text, saying she needed to work on herself. I said, “I want you to be happy, so if you’re not happy in this relationship, then it’s for the best.”

She came over 10 days later to pick up her things, because I didn’t want to throw them away. We talked for hours. She said she was no longer depressed, which made me happy. But she also said she broke up with me because she no longer found me sexually attractive.

That ruined me.

She said she doesn’t get why I’m not mad at her. She also said her roommate made her make a tinder, which I later found out she used photos of us where I’m half cropped out. She said she doesn’t want to hurt me anymore than she already has, but her actions don’t seems indicative of that.

I ran into her at a concert, and broodingly asked for my apartment key back, she texted me later that night, “why the sudden change in attitude?” I said it was nothing and that I returned her keychain to her apartment’s concierge. She said, “okay whatever thanks”.

And that’s it.

  1. You did fine. Some people just suck. All ya can do is keep looking for one that doesn’t. Then when you have that good relationship and you will look back on this chick and realize the feelings you had for her was just one drop out of a whole ocean.

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