This person works pretty far away from me in an entirely different department and has to be 10 years older than me. He’s come over to welcome me and has flirted in such smooth way it’s actually very cool/hilarious lol

He gave me his phone number in front of all my coworkers to add him into my directory even though I know how to contact him through our work phone system. It was so smooth I decided to text to see what’s up, said hi and to save my number and he responded with “only if you save mine first”. Clear flirting.

Said some other stuff too and I just want to cut to the chase and ask if he’s single. I’m not looking for a relationship at all but it would be so fucking hot to be on the same page and have some fun with this guy if he’s down. I never shit where I eat but when I say this place it’s huge I mean it. I’m not working closely with them at all but would be so insanely cool to have a little secret between us lol I’m an absolute freak and would love the rush and to try and see if we like each other (strictly sexual) then create some boundaries and go from there.

He came to see me this morning but other people were around so he had to play it cool. It was so fucking hot cause he was there to see me and no one knew. I want to sneak around with him!!!

I want to find out if we’re on the same page or not and make a move but don’t know how to go about it. Let me know what you guys think. There’s a lot of people here but if this works it will only be a one time thing for me. Meaning if him and I end our situation, I 1937363% wouldn’t do it again with another coworker.

  1. I think, as you said, *”Don’t shit where you eat.”*

    But I mean, clearly you’re gonna do it so hey, hope you have fun and hope it works out for you.

  2. Contrary to popular belief, you CAN shit where you eat if you’re safe, clean, and sanitary about it. You just need to communicate to him somehow that you are casually DTF within certain boundaries. Our culture tends to be more supportive/forgiving of women hitting on men than vice-versa, so you might have to take the initiative. Also, beware that any written communication could show up on the HR desk so try to talk privately and discreetly.

  3. Think through how the company and your coworkers would respond if it was common knowledge. If you can easily imagine and are comfortable with that scenario do it 😄

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