I’ve literally never had any friends and I can’t get a boyfriend either. Everyone I meet is temporary and they stop talking to me after a while from hanging out with them like once and they only talk to me when they see me. No one messages me first when I’m the one that always messages them first. I’m not sure if it’s me or I meet the wrong people, plus I don’t know where to meet people that actually want to be friends unlike back in school when it was easier to now it feels harder, I feel like no-one wants to know about me and they ignore me after a week or 2 from meeting them first time, no one sticks around then I’m back to square one looking for friends and a guy to date again. I feel like I’m unlucky and it would be nice to have friends to hang out with other than my family.

  1. Smile and nod at everyone, someone will say hello back or stop for a chat,, if not! At least you share a smile and you might make someone’s day! Alot of people walk around looking at the floor,, get a chat app Kik

  2. If you not in highschool any more get yourself a cat bro they won’t ever let you down😊👍🏻

  3. Talk to them all, like your talking to your bother or sister, once your chatting reassess the situation, either let them in OR keep arms length, keep your circle small as to who you completely trust,, other random people treat as you find, be polite and keep smiling always 😊

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