Hi Redditors,

I’m making this because I’m genuinely confused going into my 30s. I was in relationships for my entire younger life. My last relationship I broke up with the girl because I didn’t like where I was at in life so I was trying to take some time to focus on that. I was always the type of person, possibly due to my adhd, to fully focus on what’s in front of me.

Fast forward to today I managed to accomplish some things that I wanted to accomplish. Although,I’m no where successful yet, I feel like I could be.

So I reached out to this ex three years later. We went on a date and said I was everything she wanted and she went through a hoe phase but didn’t want to get back with me.

This got me thinking at 30 I don’t think I’ve ever had a hoe phase. I was never great with social cues. I can’t read a person and push the envelope when and where I’m supposed to push. However, I’m great at picking up girls and getting their number I’ve never had the killer instinct. My follow up text message Game after meeting someone is terrible.

This other day I had this hammock date with a girl where we just hung out on my hammock and talked and it was great but I didn’t make a move. I feel like I didn’t see an opportunity or I missed it. We talked again afterwards briefly but I guess I’m boring.

I’m just socially awkward and was never a participant of social media culture. I grew up getting to know people and talking to them late at night on the phone.

How can I change my lack of intuition? How do I not seem boring? What am I doing wrong?

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