How would you feel if you discovered that your spouse/SO followed an “upskirt” sub, where people post pics taken up women’s skirts without their consent/knowledge?

  1. Considering he knows that I’m a victim of both sexual assault and revenge porn, extremely unhappy and downright furious

  2. I’d be disgusted and honestly probably end the relationship. I deserve better than a man who would do this

  3. I’d leave the relationship. I’m absolutely not interested in being with someone who is ok with sexually violating non consensual behavior. I also wouldn’t keep the reason a secret; I’m not hiding what a creep they are for them.

  4. I’d be disgusted and angry beyond belief, enough that it’d probably lead me to ending the relationship instantly. If that’s how he views women and consent, why would I want to be with him?

  5. I would be exiting the relationship immediately because we are obviously incompatible on a fundamental, values-based level.

  6. I’m engaged and we’ve been together for 7 years. It would be awful but ultimately I think I would end the relationship.

  7. The issue here is consent I would be concerned if anyone I knew nevermind dated said they followed anything like this.

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