What era are you most nostalgic for?

  1. The era I am most nostalgic for is childhood. I remember the freedom and innocence of those days with great fondness. There were no worries or stress, and life was just a big adventure. I would love to go back to those carefree days again.

  2. none. the very best time to ever be alive in human history is right now, today.

    i’d never ever want to go back and live in the past. not for any amount of $$. i grew up in the 80s but right now is still the best time ever.

  3. 2nd century ad in Rome. Rome was super dope back then. For every day of work you had a day free and you never worked three days in a row. Food was free, wine was cheap, there was peace and stability in the empire and the economy was great.

    There were tons of things to do for a normal citizen, philosopher was a paid profession and public interest in current events was at an all time high. The plagues weren’t around for a while and there was a general sense of happiness among the people in Rome.

    I would spend my days collecting money from patrons, sprouting filosophy to the public, engaging in law suits as an orator and go to chariot races. All the while wearing my favourite type of clothing.

  4. 80s, tho it was 20 years before i was born. But i have always wanted to see the wangan racing at its peak

  5. I try not to be nostalgic as the past is gone.

    Nostalgia is like candy. One or two pieces are sweet and can brighten your day. More than that can make you sick.

  6. 1991-2001. My first 10 years of life. Just so happened that the world seemed to change overnight in the wake of 9/11, and I gradually became more and more aware of it. I’m sure the world was still just as shitty in some aspects, but I’ve heard folks older than me echo the sentiment that the world really shifted after that event.

  7. The 1960s had really cool aesthetics, but unfortunately there was also all of the societal problems, so I have to try and not romanticize it too much.

  8. 90s! Best rock, hip hop, dance, movies and the Mike’s(Jordan, Jackson & Tyson)

  9. The months proceeding the end of the Revolutionary War but preceeding the Whisky Rebellion.

    Americans were truly free before we were forced to pay taxes.

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