So I have a friend in Canada that I have known for around 7-9 years, he has another friend that absolutely hates my guts, due to this I got banned from his discord cutting me off from my other friends I made in Canada. Life picked up and he got 2 jobs for whatever reason and now I am hardly able to talk to him or spend time with him because whenever he is on he is playing with his friend that hates my guts. They have more games in common so they play more but one of the games we have in common the other friend also has. Whenever I see him online I can not play with I’m because the other friend is playing with him so I can not play. What do I do? I already made it known how I feel but I don’t think they check discord often.

1 comment
  1. Info: did your friend ban you, or did the guy that hates you ban you?

    If your friend banned you, he clearly made his choice..

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