I’m dating this guy and we both became official recently. I’m kinda realizing that there are areas where we are not compatible, for instance, sex. He has higher sex drive than I am. We made a compromise about it, but I feel like I am forcing myself to cater to him. It feels like a chore to me. I make myself too available for him when he needs me and when I discussed this with my friends, I was told to break up with him because he was taking advantage of me being a people pleaser. There are red flags but there are green flags as well. Right now, overall, I feel confused. I feel like I should break up with him because of some compatibility issues but at the same time I’d like to give it a chance because he is also trying to make the relationship work. What should I do?

  1. Just because you made one agreement doesn’t mean that agreement can’t be changed if it needs to be. It has to work for both of you.

  2. All relationships require some degree of compromise. It comes down to what you are willing to or can compromise about. Sexual compatibility is something that can’t be changed easily if at all. These things aren’t likely to change in weeks or months or even years. It’s not fair to either of you to not have your desires met. It goes both ways. It’s possible he’s not enjoying it either because it feels forced. Guys usually can tell if she not totally into it.

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