I had everything that i wanted , and now I lost it all, including losing a good income.

Have you ever lost it all due to self sabotage?

  1. You’ll recover man. I learned it at a young age watching my dad lose it all then build it back up. There are good days, hard days, and even harder days. Don’t lose faith in yourself.

    You added self sabotage later and as a personal opinion – deal with your demons that you’re putting off. They won’t go away.

  2. That’s a hard one and it’s different for us all. I’ve self sabotaged my life and honestly we all do. Some a little and some a lot. It’s usually when the dream we work so hard at seems to become impossible or not worth it. I tend to find that taking some time every day to think in on yourself and actions that caused it to happen. Sometimes things do happen outside our control but most of the time we are the ones that cause it. The big thing is to not get lost in the negative where you hate yourself. Just enough to realize where you went wrong and try your hardest to not repeat it. We all find this amazing power in us when all hope is lost or backed in a corner. It’s in you, you just have to wake it up again. Maybe you just need a new goal or new plan. I wish you all the best in the future don’t give up cause we are made stronger by every hard time we live through!

  3. Got the next best thing. Wanted to be a knight as a kid didn’t learnt medieval longsword as an adult instead.

  4. >Have you ever lost it all due to self sabotage?

    I (m31) don’t know why it happend but at 25 i found myself at rock bottom, uncertain to this day whether I was simply not good enough for the things I was pursuing or I was too arrogant to put in the work.

    Be it as it may I had to start over at that time, no money but debt, no longer to work in my old line of work, gf cheated, I was forced to move cities and no plan B. Family was no help but instead was mocking me for failing, fell into depression and almost ended myself – luckily i did not.

    6 years later I am on a new path, cut ties with all the unhealthy elements in my life, found a new purpose. It’s not a zero to millionaire story and it may not ever be but I can confidently say that started all over again into a better life, closer to the truth, more in line with what works for me and more satisfying

  5. I didn’t, because i didn’t move forward or start again. I just quite over time.

    I don’t recomend it, so take a brief rest, then rebuild. You’re not owed success, you need to take it.

  6. Dude I’ve completely torched so many lives that Even a cat would start to worry and look both ways before crossing the street. I’ve lost good relationships and friendships and great jobs and huge opportunities and squandered away 100,000 dollars. I’ve been out right cast away by everyone who ever said they love me.

    And know I have relationships with all the people who matter most. I’ve worked hard to regain the trust that mattered, I have a beautiful wife, a great marriage, amazing children. I own my business and don’t want for anything.

    Mourn your losses but don’t give up. Life, like any work of art, is better after revision.

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