Im 20 (male) and she is 20 (female). We used to be friends in sophomore year of high school and now I’m a junior in college. I wanna hit her up to just be friends since she was really goofy, which is why I chose her. We both have each other on snapchat and instagram, we like each other’s posts, and view each other’s stories. Is there any way of telling her that I want to hang out with her? And no I do not want a romantic relationship right now, just a platonic relationship. Any thoughts?

TL;DR im 20 (male) and she is 20 (female). Used to be friends in highschool and now i wanna hit her up to have a purely platonic relationship.

  1. Sigh. TL;DR. Too Long; Didn’t Read. Give a one or two sentence summarization of your post. You must be new here.

    And it’s not weird if you are 20. Being 40 and doing it would be weird.

  2. It’s not weird. You could invite her to some parties hang out in group settings to establish the friendship vibe first.

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