Texted a guy I like and he ignored my last text and it has happened before so I’m just gonna give up. But I would like to know what do you do/tell yourself when your confidence takes a little hit because of something like this

  1. I hit up a booty call 😂. But don’t take it seriously cause I usually make bad decisions đŸ„č

  2. Keep yourself busy. The more bored you are the more you will constantly think about this or what ifs and your confidence will be affected. Even do this when you’re in a relationship. If someone is bored then they will naturally argue or be upset over almost anything. You aren’t w the guy so don’t stress. Just do a hobby you enjoy and take a couple weeks to just window browse but remember you don’t need them they don’t contribute to your life in any way currently.

  3. It isn’t about you. It’s his issue most likely.

    I always remind myself, “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world and there is still going to be someone who doesn’t like peaches.” I know it’s cliche, but it’s the truth.

    Then do something just for you. Don’t forget to hug yourself and tell you how much you love you. ❀

  4. You’re brave for putting yourself out there in the first place, you should be proud of that.

    Unfortunately sometimes things don’t always work out as we hope but in time when you meet someone else you’ll be glad it didn’t workout with the guy in your post x

  5. Everyone and I mean everyone gets rejected. At least you have the courage to put yourself out there. Take a little break and focus on things you enjoy for a bit, then get back out there.

  6. You weren’t rejected. He declined to get to know you better based on his limited view of who you are. You can’t control that. And you never will. One day someone will not be interested because you wore the wrong shirt. It’s nothing personal. You shouldn’t take it personally. It doesn’t reflect your value. The question is are you willing to move on to find someone who can actually see the true beauty for who you are?

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