What’s the most epic way you’ve seen someone quit or be fired?

  1. By knockout. The waitress at the cafe had had enough of the owner’s bullshit, and she caught him right on the jaw with an impressive left hook.

    The police were called. It was mayhem.

  2. Once had a guy get caught smoking in a single occupancy restroom at a warehouse. He was security.

  3. Can I say a movie scene I really like where the person quit in epic fashion or does that not count

  4. The best one I saw in person was my own handing in of my 2 weeks notice. My boss asked for an exit interview, and I granted it. He was curious as to why I was leaving, so I told him exactly why. He turned our department into a gossip chamber, filled in all of the openings we had with people who were too dumb or lazy to do the job, and all of my people(I was the late shift supervisor) are picking up the slack that his people left for us. In some cases they more than quadrupled our work.

    After the exit interview apparently my boss told the day guys what I had said and it didn’t go over well. So for two weeks I would walk in the doors and swing my dick around to anyone who said boo.

    The best one I heard of was a coworker of mine. She quit by recording herself knocking down a hotel door, as her BF who was also her superior at work, was cheating on her, with another coworker. She records the whole thing, then she sends it to every corporate email we had stating that this was her resignation lol. She sent it to probably hundreds of people since, by the time I saw the video, it was already being spoken about, and well above a whisper lol.

  5. He ordered $80k worth of fertilizer he knew wouldn’t sell. The day after the order was processed he quit.

    The yard outside was choked up with pallets of the shit for months on end.

    This was for a hardware store and after this happened the company changed its policy on how stock was ordered and how people left.

  6. Me:
    I want to turn in my resignation. <insert polite bs and effective end date>

    <boiled down bs about teams and friendship> Why?

    Me: Because The company which hired me decided to hire a convicted pedophile, and I can not accept working with pedophiles. It draws into question the ethics of our company, and even more so it makes me question the sanity of anyone who allowed you to have this position. I will not work for insane people.

    Our job was to organize events and spend time on-site for these events. Our demographics are 86% of events that relate to celebrations involving children. Management and HR both balked at my expressed concern about trying to work this *thing* into my team… Well very long story short he lasted 4 months before things took a wrong turn, and yes I did report his involvement to the proper authorities as well. Still, by the time this imploded on the company I was already working elsewhere.

    Not the most epic way to quit, but a pretty damn good one I like to pat myself on the back for.

  7. My friend hurt his back at a furniture company as a mover. They promptly fired him before he could make a workers comp claim in order to have plausible deniability and reduce their exposure to additional liability for the injury.

    A few days later he destroyed their moving vans in the middle of the night with a bat, a knife, and some other stuff.

    This was around Christmas time, so they couldn’t make any deliveries for several weeks and lost a shit ton of revenue from cancelled orders. They were forced to close down a few months later after basically missing an entire holiday season’s sales revenue.

  8. In highschool my friend wanted to quit the supermarket job but for whatever reason didn’t want to just quit. So she took a ton of ice cream and just gave it out at the register.

    “Have a nice day! You want free ice cream?” Chaotic good.

  9. Shift lead was told to train someone as much as possible and leave at the end of tbe month. Dude jjst bailed immediately and production came to pretty much dead stop for three days

  10. I’m not a guy, but I have a resignation story that felt pretty epic.

    I was a 15, working at one of the big chain fast food restaurants.

    The restaurant manager was kind of a sleazeball; he joked around inappropriately with the 14-15 yo girls, made remarks that he might work too fast and accidently unzip our tops or talk about how the mayonnaise looked like cum, etc. One evening he had a contest to see which one of us [teenage girls] could suck a very thick chocolate milkshake through a straw the fastest. It was gross. He was in his early 30’s, so extra creepy, but if you put aside his reprehensible personality, he was a fairly attractive guy, so a lot of the girls would giggle and that encouraged him to continue.

    So I’m scheduled to work the evening rush 4-7pm on a Friday. And this really cute shy guy had asked me to go to a concert that night (I’m a total a sucker for really cute shy guys) so I brought clothes with me to change into for the concert.

    About half way through the shift, the manager announced that the closing shift workers called in sick and we would have to stay and close that night. (work until approximately 2am). I told him I was sorry but I couldn’t stay. He said it wasn’t optional, I just figured he was joking so I laughed and he walked away. When my shift was over there was still a long line at the front of the store, but my date had showed up and was waiting for me. I told the assistant manager I was leaving and clocked out.

    I went to change my clothes, my jeans and jacket were there, but my shirt was missing. (We didn’t have lockers, my clothes were just sitting in the back room- I either forgot a shirt, or one of my coworkers stole it). So I left my uniform top on, put my pants in the back and went out front. My date was standing inside and we started walking towards the exit.

    The manager is standing behind the front counter and a little too loudly he says, “Hey, where do you think you’re going?”. I told him my shift is over and I’m sorry I can’t stay tonight. He starts berating me, -saying, “Wow, I guess blondes really are dumb, are you really that much of an airhead?” And the restaurant is busy, but he’s saying it loudly enough that everyone gets quiet. There are like 20-30 people standing right there, and I’m starting to feel really embarrassed and my cheeks are turning pink.

    I hand my leather jacket to the cute guy and tell him softly I’ll meet him outside. Then I walk back to the counter, hoping if I get a little closer the manager will stop being so overly loud. I just repeated that I was sorry I couldn’t stay, but I could close the following night if he needed help. The place is still quiet, everyone is watching, so he decides to go full drama queen, ” Oh no, this is your job, you have responsibilities here,” (I don’t, I’m a cashier who started 3 mo. ago). Then he gets even louder, “No. If you leave now, you’re fired!”.

    Then I had my chance to rip the classic response… So yeah, I said it, “Don’t worry about firing me, I quit!!”. I start backing toward the door, and say, I’ll turn in my uniform when I come to pick up my check,” and turn to leave. He’s kind of sputtering a little and I’m trying to get out of there before he can recover, but he spouts back, “you walk out of here in that uniform you’re buying it – I’m taking it out of your check.”.

    Sometime right around this moment my embarrassment morphs into anger, and I start walking back towards the counter, and now I’m getting louder, I said “Oh yeah? You want this back?”. He starts going off about how it’s the restaurant’s property, blah blah blah. So everyone is frozen and this point- the restaurant goes dead silent- they’re all just watching like it’s an auto accident- horrible to see but can’t turn away.

    So it’s a top with a full front zipper, and I just unzipped it all the way and threw it over the counter. Then I’m standing there in jeans and a bra, and I realize everyone is looking at me. A little old lady in line gasps really loud and I starts fanning herself like she’s going to pass out or something. Mr. Manager is so shocked he doesn’t even move – my top hits him right in the face just hangs on his head. And I said, ” There you go, all yours.”

    I walk out the door, cute guy throws me my jacket & I hop on the back of his motorcycle. Manager is staring blankly out the window at us, so I gave him a little farewell salute as we rode away. Felt cool to be me that day.

    I got a new shirt at the concert.

  11. Nothing really epic but my former boss started giving me a lecture and I just turned around and handed her my resignation letter which I wanted to give her the next day.

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