You are going on a weekend trip together with a girl that invited you along as a friend. It isn’t expressly a date yet but how much time would you like before you know if it is working?

  1. If it’s not a date, I’m not going to think of it as / treat her like it was.

    “Let’s go on a trip, but just as friends” doesn’t say potential dating prospect to me, it says “We’re friends” and I’m not going to try and date somebody who explicitly said we’re friends.

  2. If it’s not a dating type situation then the time spent doesn’t count. Keeping it real I probably wouldn’t go on a vacation with a lady as “friends”.

  3. I would say that initially, if you both genuinely want to spend time together that’s a positive sign. But it’s not a guarantee of anything. If you two travel together do you stay in separate rooms? Or get a room with two bed?
    Do you normally do these types of things with other woman? It is possible to be friends and share a hotel room with someone and have you own beds and it never cross your mind anything would Happen.

    If you spend a certain amount of time around a woman and you have conversations about things in general she’ll tip her hat and you’ll tip yours to her.

    I would suggest bringing it up when you aren’t on a trip. This avoids any possible awkwardness, then again maybe it’s the right place for an intimate conversation.

    How do you interact with her when you two are together? Are you missing giant neon signs she’s into you? Or are you missing the signs it’s only mutual friendship.

    Does she talk about her current relationships with others? Do you?

    When you spend time together are you having thought provoking conversation? Challenging her mind getting her excited and showing who she is inside.

    I don’t recommend spending that kinda time with someone without at least understanding it’s implications. You are allowed to protect yourself from connecting with someone else is they have no intention or reciprocating. You can be a travel buddy and a bestie or what ever. But if you two are hitting it off and it’s affecting you then you should bring it up. You don’t do these types of things with others, you don’t spend your free time enjoying just anyone’s company nor should you play yourself that way.
    Create that boundary for your self.

    Maybe I went down some rabbit holes. If so sorry

  4. Don’t need chemistry to get in her pants.

    But otherwise, open communication seems to be the best option?

  5. Why would I be spending that much time with or traveling with a woman I didn’t already click with?

  6. So basically you’ve been friend zoned and you’re planning on somehow convincing this girl to slowly gain romantic feelings for you by spending a lot of time with her? ya…that’s not going to work out well for you homie, if a woman has the hots for you she makes it very clear by her actions and it sounds like this girl doesn’t have any romantic feelings toward you at all.

    My advice would be to not go on the trip and go find women who you can actually date romantically, I feel like you’re going to ignore that advice and then end up with a broken heart but hey maybe I’m wrong…

  7. You’ll know when it happens.. Just relax and let things flow.

    And if it never happens… well…

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