hey everyone, thank u so much for the advice. i broke up with her couple days after our argument happened. and well couple days ago she reached out to ask me how i was doing. since i’ve been visiting my hometown a lot. we talked back at my place and i out of pure loneliness and despair because i have missed her even though she doesn’t love me the way i know i deserve. i love her still. and we kissed and had intimate moments together. it felt good being with her. she comforts me when she’s being all sweet to me even when i know it’s all a lie. all an act for her to take advantage of me. after everything that has happened she has texted me today. that throughout our relationship of a year and eight months she was ALWAYS talking to other people. how she never caught feelings for them so it didn’t count. as cheating. i honestly am heartbroken. although we had bad moments, and with my friends passing and her negative comments, i still love her. the way she made me feel safe and comfortable. how she listened to my past issues with my parents and their abuse. how she reassured me i was her special person. how i constantly felt like my love and care wasn’t enough for her because it wasn’t enough for my parents. but she made sure to make me feel like i was the only person she had.

1 comment
  1. I really hope for your sake you’ve blocked her cause that’s a bullshit excuse it’s still cheating. Hopefully you got the support of family or friends to help with the grief or even therapy if you can.

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