
I met a guy on dating app and we had out first meeting (coffee at Starbucks) so not even sure if it’s a date.
Honestly I think he was a little bored of me so there isn’t potential for real relationship. He hasn’t texted me for 2 days since the date and I’m sure this is over now…

BUT. Before the date I told him I am interested only in relationships and don’t want hookups.

Now after certain events transpired I don’t think I want a relationship anymore (for at least a year) and I would consider having a casual relationship with this guy (since he is so detached).

Do you think he would agree? Taking into account that I’ve changed my mind about casual relationships and he hasn’t texted back

Tl;Dr want to ask a guy if he wants a casual relationship. We had one date(sort of) and he hasn’t texted in 2 days and seemed bored. Do you think he would be up to just something casual?

  1. Maybe just let this one go. If he hasn’t texted, I hate to say it but he may not be interested. If you continue pursuing, I think it may come across as being a little bit desperate.

    Save your effort for someone who is responsive and appreciates you. It’ll make you feel better, and put you in a better place. 🙂

    EDIT: Maybe give him a single text to see how he’s going or whatever but leave it at that. Nothing more. Only do this if you need the closure though. I personally probably wouldn’t.

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