My husband goes to sleep straight after sex while I’d rather have a cuddle. I know it’s a cliché, but is there a biological reason why it happens?

  1. why do you say “men” as if you’re sleeping with multiple people. Just say your Husband? Yes and many men tend to fall asleep after sex, I am someone that does often.

  2. Well does he have a labor intensive job? Do yall have rough vigorous sex? Could be a lot of reasons. I wouldnt worry too much but thats just me.

  3. It’s a hormone I can’t remember which one. Just don’t get offended cause it’s natural the best way to get him to cuddle is to get him going for round two

  4. Brain Chemistry. Orgasm releases a whole cocktail of shit. Some of them make you go night-night. It’s absolutely fine.

  5. After climax, hormones are released. Men tend to get tired and fall asleep from these hormones while women tend to wake up. This is completely normal

  6. Let’s start off with most people in the US are sleep deficient. The average amount of sleep per night is about 6 hours, and most of us need about 8. And most of us have sex at the end of the day right before bed anyway.

    So it’s very likely he’s tired.

    Secondly sex tends to be relaxing. Most people aren’t spun up about politics or finances or whatever while they’re having sex, they’re *having sex*.

    When you talk to sleep researchers, they will tell you that having an orgasm *helps* people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

    The only difference between you and your husband is that when he’d done, he’s finished. You still want a little more.

    This is not an unreasonable ask as all he really has to do is wrap himself around you before he passes out.

    BTW, when I was a younger man I wouldn’t fall asleep right after sex. I’d get up and eat something. Even now I don’t usually pass right now.

  7. It’s pretty normal and common, most men fall asleep after they orgasm. Get into position before he falls asleep so you can have him where you want him. Talk to him so he knows this matters to you 🙂

  8. After sex the brainstem releases serotonin which makes the man relaxed and sleepy.

  9. Yes, our energy is drained exactly at the moment we finish. We feel slow and heavy for a while, although we don’t necessarily have to sleep.

  10. Hormone release. See if he would like to cuddle up as he falls asleep? I know its not the same, but dude probably needs the nap.

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