I’ve been feeling for a while that people secretly don’t like me and are fakely being nice to me for a reason. And it feels like they have coordinated this all the way since I was little. I’ve thought that maybe I am actually mentally handicapped and I just don’t know it. People tend to be overly nice to people with disabilities. I did well in school, but that just might be because they made it easier for me. Even altering my copy of an exam. It’s nice I guess for them to do this if that’s the case, but I wondering are people this often nicely dishonest? It’s just so frustrating to me that my life may just be one big lie and a joke. How foolish I would look.


  1. I think if you could get inside of most peoples heads they are actually mostly not thinking about you at all – and just thinking about their own internal dialogs and feelings.And people’s inner feelings towards you are much more of a product of how they feel around you – rather than this elaborate analytical analysis and judgement of your “worth”.

    I’m reminded of this little anectdote:

    >Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone, fierce political rivals, each served as Britain’s Prime Minister in the late 1800s. During a period when both men were single, they happened to go on dates with the same young socialite on back-to-back evenings.A short time later, a reporter asked the woman about her impressions of these two notable leaders. She said, “During our time together, Gladstone convinced me that he was the cleverest person in England. But Disraeli made me feel like I was the cleverest person in England.”

    By the way – Disraeli won that election by a sizable margin.

  2. > Even altering my copy of an exam.

    Is this something that actually happened or do you just wonder if it happened?

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